Well, mostly I'm back because the 2 hour delay for my kids elementary school has been changed to "closed" which I was happy to hear... as I won't be headed for the shower or business attire anytime soon today.
And so... my "Less cream, more green" campaign continues.... that's right.
I have chucked my beloved Light Cream for the very sweet and not so delicious concoction they market as fat free, sugar free, nondairy creamer... French Vanilla. (which begs the question, do the french know about this?)
I know I know, it's kind of like a Marlboro smoker switching to Newports under the pretense that they aren't as enjoyable so they won't smoke as many.... Because let me tell you... after the first day or so... I start to think, Hey, this syrupy sweet crap isn't so bad... and Now I'm up to a pot of coffee before work again.
AND, in my effort to put more green in my diet, I am making myself a lovely hummus, baby spinache, broccoli slaw wrap each day for lunch. Yesterday I added a little extra crunch with the baby snow peas.
The hummus is a life saver... it's tasty, spicy and makes all the difference in the world! AND, I know it's high in fat ... but not higher than .... say..... the chicken lo-mein... which is what I would buy if I was buying lunch.
So, we will see if my new campaign will assist me in my effort to be healthier in 2009.
Also, I am a big promoter of Office Humidity!
I have a nice little humidity tray on my desk, that I put water in (from my water bottle) and it seems to be helping my little personal area... Hydration Across The Nation.
yes, I am the new Dr. Suess!
Humphrey cried, "why humidify"
Bernice stated, "humidity is over rated"
While I sat and sat
and sat and sat and sat
and listened to their cold dry hacks.
Aren't you glad I'm back!
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago