Good Morning.
It's 5:18am and it's still dark out! As my kids would say, "is it wake up time yet?"
Everyone is happy and healthy.
Halloween is around the corner. I will have 2 black Bats and 1 butterfly bat fluttering around my house on Halloween. That is if I can get around to sewing the wings onto the shirts I bought.
My parents are here and have been here since last wednesday, as a result I have been able to sleep in my bed.... because it's not covered in laundry. The living room, however, looks like the stone hendge of of laundry.... pillars of neatly folded clothes all waiting to be put away. HA HA HA HA HAHA HA H
Mom and Dad will be staying until sometime on Wednesday. It's been nice and relaxing.
Rosie the wonder dog it well, she is very happy because my parents brought their dogs and she LOVE to play with other dogs.
September was a particularly harrowing and trying month. I will have to remember that for next year, I think it has a lot to do with returning to school... and getting the kids back on schedule.
and.... I am not set in my ways! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
I had a funny conversation with Slagboy. As you know he filed bankruptcy last year in April (that is his second bankruptcy) ... and... he is now pondering whether he should stay living up north or move back into his house, or whether he should buy another house.
I looked at him blankly trying to imagine the world he lives in.
if you haven't already taken my poll..... (thanks to those that did...) Please take it. I only got 16 responses.... that's 986 shy of how many I was looking for! (smile) ----- speaking of unrealistic expectations! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Congradulations to M Colkins! Who has repositioned herself a mid a booming metropolis and is living la vita loco! You Rock G-Friend.
Also, Hugs to B the K, who I have sorrowfully neglected!.... I am remembering even more neglect as I recall that I didn't even think to call and wish happy holidays over the recent big holidays... yikes.
Friends in Idaho? You still there? Getting ready to batten down the hatches for the winter and start up your roof shoveling business?
To All.... have a great day!
It's is a balmy 28 degrees out right now.
I just noticed a funny quirk about There is a weather alert and it makes the sound of thunder... even though the alert is for frost.
What does frost sound like?
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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