As you may have surmised, everything is going swimmingly well here at Rosie the Wonder Dog's House.
I'm sorry I haven't written in ... oh, say.... 3 months! I think I have the CTD... That's Chronic Tired Disease. Not to be confused with sleeping disease... because I'm not doing much of that! HA HA HA HA HA
The kids are taking swim lessons at the YMCA this year, that's actually great... but a little stressful when it's time ot sign up... I had to go there yesterday and 1/2 hour early to get a number, because the lessons fill up really quick... last sesson I heard that the lessons filled up online in 6 minutes!
Two things were in my favor yesterday.... #1) I was there early and I got number 8
#2) Comcast announced a statewide outage! So, atleast the comcast users weren't clogging up the sign up works! Good 'ole technology
Slag 1 continues to remind me why we got divorced... not in words, but in the things he does!
I love winter! I hope we get a nice be pile of big fluffy white snow!
My middle daughter is doing well in Kindergarten, she has some great friends, including one a couple of houses down the street... My youngest asks me every morning how old she is... because she really really wants to go to kindergarten and hopes that she will turn 5 in her sleep! HA HA HA HA My oldest is doing much better in school and hasn't had an asthma attack in almost 30 days! I don't know if that's due to the new medication or the humidifier I finally put in their bedroom.
Well.... that's about it.
Jealousy is a terrible terrible thing... and I am fighting the green monster! I'm not jealous of money, clothes, or looks...... I am jealous of .... BLACKBERRIES... I promise, if you get me a balckberry, and pay the $150.00 a month fee for unlimited phone and data access... I will update my blog daily... ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm really pissed at the blackberry industry. You would have thought by now the whole cost of the thing would have come down... but instead, they keep making the little handheld beauties cooler and cooler.... thus justifying the continued expense... OH WOE IS ME...
Well I guess it could be worse.... they could have increased the cost of coffee and priced me right out of my 2 pots a day! That my friends would hurt.
OK Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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