First, Let me just give a shout out to B the King! I CLEANED MY HOUSE... well I cleaned the things that I could, Close your eyes... imagine this.... The book room... nothing on the floor... The kitchen... the counters cleaned off and the floor cleaned and mopped, the dinning room... well, atleast the dining room table is completely cleaned off and spiffy looking... the laundry is caught up...
My bed has no laundry on it... I can actually sleep in it!
it was a long road... actually, the mess is always superficial... It is easy to clean up and usually just means I have to drag the garbage can over and throw out a bunch of useless stuff... but clean... (by my standards) it is... right this second.
The kids are still asleep... it's just a matter of time! Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa
Yesterday the kids went to see The Little Mermaid in the city with their dad (and some others) they had a great time! I'm really happy for them! really. I'm a little jealous because that's an expensive day in the city that I would LOVE to treat them to... but can't... however, my jealously is tempered with the fact that... I'm glad they went. I'm glad they enjoyed themselves, I'm glad they got home safely. AND they had such a GREAT TIME! AND honestly, I get to see them a lot more than he does... of course, I get to see them...doing homework, complaining about having to take a shower, arguing with each other... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha But I also get to see them burst spontaneously out into song and sing about the most delightful things... I also get to see them when they draw me pictures or ask me queztions, or want my help... so I guess in the big scheme of things... I get the better deal.
So... Yesterday while the kids were gone all day... I did the grocery shopping, cleaned up the house and ....CLEANED UP THE YARD.... that's right friends.... I donned my disposable rubber gloves and went out a poop picking. It had been atleast since November... and I will drop this line of conversation after I tell you this... I filled a whole paper grocery bag .. so full that the plastic bag on the outside couldn't close the top when I tried to tie it... That's like 30 pounds of poop!
Funniest thing I found as I was doing the cleaning.... a whole birthday candle in one "log". That's right, as you know Rosie the wonder dog will chew anything, and her poops are pretty technicolor by default... this was was hysterical! the whole candle, without even a chew mark! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Today is Sunday, it promises to be a nice day, I'm going to try to get outside with the kids, maybe take a walk up to and partially around the lake. We haven't done that yet... this year they are going to be big enough to not get too tired too quickly and we may make it to the bridge and back... it will be nice!
have a great day!
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9 years ago
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