As you know I have retired the Slag boy adventures and am completely moving on.
I decided that although not every entry will focus on my dog... she's as good a name for a blog as any.... especially since my mother just ... (are you sitting down) bought her some clothes.
My father has referred to Rosie as ... The devil dog. (This is coming from a man that has 2 Standard Poodles) He was not referring to her behavior... but referring to her appearance. (which is a little scary if you don't know the love ball behind it) AND AGAIN, I remind the reader that my father is the owner of 2 Standard Poodles... names: Belle and Bridget.... PPPPPPLLLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE
So my little satan spawn is curled up in bed with my three year old, I used to think that she like that bed best because she like sleeping with that chidl best... which I believe she does, but not because of that childs disposition, but because of that childs size. Smallest child....more room for Rosie.
And so... a new era is upon us.
It's all about the happiness that is... a house, a dog and 3 kids (with lots of toys... that taste like chicken)
Don't forget to look up.
.....It will make your neck feel better.
Oh, Rosie...How can I not love a blog about a dog with my namesake. Not that I am implying that I was the inspiration for the name of the spawn of Satan, but a girl can dream, can't she? I realize I have been slacking on the comments, but Idaho upstairs has been keeping me up to date on the happenings in your neck of the woods. Speaking of Idaho, with the holidays and his birthday right around the corner, any chance for some slagboy paraphernalia? I'm sure I will enjoy the new blog as well as the old one!! Keep up the good work! Rosie (downstairs from Idaho)
Hi Rosie, I thought about that! Well, you know... She really is a gem. And remember, only my father thinks she is Satan's Spawn! HA HA HA HA Send me an email at with the address and I will hook you up!
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