Couple of things this week:
#1) My kids are learning the words to all of the Queen songs on the Queen's Greatest Hits, just because it's the only CD I loaded onto the mp3 player... AND T. Berri (3) loves to sing Fat Bottomed Girl... at the top of her lungs, in the bathroom... while going potty. silly silly kid
#2) Thank GOD for Grandma's and Grandpa's. THEY ROCK!
#3) MC is right, Grandmas have a thing about seeing kids in clothes that actually fit... they don't like the hand me down, almost fitting, but still a size to big, crap.
#4) Coffee Rules
#5) Due to the week of free, HBO, STARZ and ENCORE, I have been up watching TV until the wee hours of the night, I toggled between "the Holiday", "The English Patient", and something else with gay men, a pregnant girl and murder and mayhem... and I am here to say, I should have been sleeping
#6) Sometimes it isn't easy, but it is worth it. (you may insert anything hard but worthwhile for the word "it")
#7) Coffee still rules and the Juan Gill 2006 Jumilla wine I picked up at the bottle king could remove tar from your wheel wells.
That's it for today.
I just want to address one serious item:
To MC who wrote: (well, actually, she didn't write, she just spoke) "People are actually avoiding me because of the 2 year old strapped to my leg" or something like that....
I say to you.... NAY I CHALLENGE YOU, to go find those people.... ask them to watch the 2 year old for a second while you go to the bathroom... and head out the back door. AT LEAST give them a reason for running when they see you! HA HA HA HA HA A AHA HA I actually know what you mean... with kids that have nick names like: The Snot Bullet, Phlem Fillies and Walking Petri Dishes of Virii... visits to my house are few and far between... in fact, you and my sister are the only ones that brave the Germ Barrier.
And friend. You may bring your entourage of one, to visit me and the kids any time you want! .... cough cough.... but I'll be keeping my eye on the back door! HA HA HA HA HA HA
Have a great day!
Enjoy my little Rosie Collage below!
Hugs all around!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
First, strapped as I am for time (with all these naps), I volunteer to edit (spell check) your blog. Yogart?!? Better yet: "Sippy Cuts"? Are they from the makers of lawn darts? ;-P
Next, I gladly brave the germ barrier for your quiche and pumpkin pie. (Really, I'm just trying to make the 3-month old resistant to the virulent super bugs that live there...)
Lastly, nice new blog. (Note to self: Do not leave American Girl doll or irreplaceable build-a-bears at Rosie's house.)
Rock on with your bad self!
Ahhhh MS so nice to have you back. Spell check... Spell check? having you ever seen a sippy cut?
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