Most of you know that I recently moved. I have a nice bin of christmas decorations for the inside of the house, but I didn't bring any of the thousands of lights with us in the move... because they are so cheap..... and because they are so cheap, they don't last long.
I picked up 500 (5 boxes of 100) of those little lights at Home Depot. They were only $2.00 a box. I also picked up some big gold bells for the door knob, larger lights (600 feet in all) for the outside, and 2 rakes. (That reminds me... the cashier at Home Depot made a point of telling me to log onto the Home Depot website and enter the code on my receipt so that I can enter to win $5K. He leaned forward and almost whispered it, like it was our secret and I was gauranteed to win... do they teach that in Home Depot School... very effective)
In addition to docorating the house, the girls and I are going to rake up the yard. My lovely HUGE yard is a beautiful yellow blanket of leaves. I might. (and I stress might) get out the ladder and clear out the gutters, which I can see from the ground are CLEARLY filled with the gorgeous yellow folliage.
Yesterday we made 24 jars of "chili mix gifts". The kids had a great time filling the mason jars up with the dried beens, while I put together the chili mix flavoring packets. Then I made 8 jars with the dry ingredients for Banana bread (that will go to my friends with kids... as we with kids always seem to have rotting bananas) and with the last 4 jars, I think I may make some home-made granola.
Yesterday at Target I picked up the greatest little gift bags, they were made out of recycled paper and had holiday pictures on them that looked kind of antique. SO... I will be dropping the mason jars in those bad boys, and handing the gift over. DONE
So, when all is said and Done... I have 36 gifts for about $2.40 ea. ..... The fun making them.... priceless. (of course, not everyone would consider dried kidney beans all over the floor the makings for of a fun afternoon! I guess you would have to be under 7 years old to appreciate the bowls full of beans.)
I figure these 36 gifts will be appropriate for teachers, co-workers and neighbors. Pretty much everyone, but my friend Mary who tries to stay away from gifts that come in jars. (not to be confused with gifts that come in bottles) In fact, I believe she will go to great lengths to avoid a "gift in a jar" including but not limited to crying "FIRE!" at an office party as a Gift Jar baring co-worker approaches....
Yesterday I also did ALL my christmas shopping. OK, who am I kidding. I got the bulk out of the way. MOST I did online at, JC and The rest I did in person at Target. I ALMOST bought a TON more stuff at Kohls.... where I went to buy a cute little dress for my work office party... and although I didn't find anything I liked, I found a ton of stuff I could give to the kids for christmas... for 1.5 hours I shopped.
Then.... I walked to the cash register... (or should I say the huge line waiting for an available cashier) and I realized... that I didn't get what I came into the store for... and here I was about to spend a ton of money... MY new method for curbing my spending is... if I can't find what I came in for... then I can't get anything.
It worked well in Costco, that afternoon where I went to find some large containers of spices for the Chili Mix. Costco (like BJ's) usually sucks me into it's web of bulk products for reasonable prices. It is not often that I escape that store (and I do mean escape) without dropping a couple hundred. Of course, once I leave I have all the meat and poultry in the land... but still.
Anyway, getting back to me and my cute black dress....
I didn't find ANYTHING. nothing. And, who the heck is Daisy Fuentes... AND WHY OH WHY are people putting those leather belts around their waist... I feel.... It looks.... Does anyone else remember the 80's?
I watched a couple hundred episodes of "what not to wear" and although I'm not as bad as some... I am still a fashion nightmare... And... How come no one told me shoulder pads were out.... Yes, I noticed no one was wearing clothes with shoulder pads... But I just checked out my treasure trove of "skinny clothes" (you ladies know what I'm talking about) and most of my gems are.... at the very best, classic 80's..... at the very worst.... classic 80's.
Excellent you might think... however, apparently Daisy Fuentes forgot about the shoulder-pads and I haven't seen any "flock of seaguls" hair cuts walking buy... so, I'm thinking only parts of the 80's are back.
That's it for today. I have breakfast to cook and coffee to drink.
Have a great day!
OH, stay tuned for the latest installment of Rosie the Wonderdog - Unassembles Plush Toys II
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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