This morning. I almost teared up when my three year old daughter knocked on the bathroom door before going in.
You might think that's silly, stupid or perhaps you are struggling to understand why that would get me all mushy... Come on people. Knocking on the bathroom door... that's a big girl move. It shows me that she is thinking about people and things other than herself.
Yup my baby isn't a baby anymore... So.... no I have to work on the "baby weight" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha I suppose with my youngest 3.5 years old... my excuses are dwindling... sigh....
Let's just flash back to the "black coffee" moments in my life! NOoooooo!!!!!!! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Well, the lights are up. The tree is up. The house smells like Christmas, I have 1/2 the presents wrapped. It's great! Of course, it would be better if I was independantly wealthy... then I could spend more time with the kids and not have to rush around and worry about bills... but hey! Life's not THAT great... right? NO one has it THAT good.... (daydream sequence....-30 minutes later-)
Let's focus on things that we are thankful for.... as opposed to Brad Pitt (sigh)...
So here it is! The First Annual - List of things I am thankful for!
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9 years ago
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