YUP. That's right, our little cottage by the lake had a little itsy bitsy fire.
It was like something out of a macabe National Lampoons something-or-other.
From the moment the kids woke up at 5:00am to the second they were asleep at 7:30 pm, my girls were a whiny mass of hysterical humanity.
The 4 year old who's legs apparently, no longer worked and she had endentured her 3 year old sister into servitude, which didn't go over well with the 3 year old. That coupled with my 6 year old with her persistent and non-stop questions, comments and commands....they were wearing me down before my first pot of coffee was even cold.
It was a two pot day.
I'd like to say that the day started off like no other, but if all my days were like yesterday I wouldn't be long for this world. You would find me wandering somewhere drooling out of the corner of my mouth as I muttered, "Stop hitting your sister" or "Get that toy outta the dogs mouth"
So, knowing that yesterday would be a challenge, I found an activity in my handy dandy KIDS FUN2007-2008 coupon book and decided to take the kids to the Roller Rink.
That's right folks. Roller skating. It's been a GOOOOOOOOOOOD 20 - 25 years since I was roller skating and I had to call the rink to make sure they had the old 4 wheeled gems, instead of the inline skates. (Does anyone remember when the wheels were made out of a clay like material? Remember when Polyurethane just came out?) OK...
Turns out, the kids couldn't turn off the whine/arguing/crying/complaining... and I put the kabosh on the outing. Of course, the decibel of crying increased 10 fold for about 10 minutes until they realized that wasn't going to get them out the door to the roller rink. They switched strategies... for like a second .....behaved.
I decided to spend the day taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations. (For those of you that haven't seen my tree or house, the tree had mostly plastic ornaments (due to the age of my children) and LOTS of lights with lights strung around the room and over the windows... very festive) My kids are young enough to appreciate the truly gaudy things in life! Oh, to be young again!
I thought I had all the lights off the tree but when I pulled the tree away from the wall, I pulled another set of lights that I had wound around the nativity scene and snow globes on the fire place mantel..... SMASH... there goes my 6 year olds newest musical snow globe. Water, Glitter, Glass all over the floor.
I swept. I wiped. I rolled up the area rug and brought it outside. I mopped. I was almost done.
There were tears. There were apologies and for like 3 hours... she said to me in a teary voice, "It's ok Mommy, I know you didn't mean to break my brand new Snow globe that Grandma got me for Christmas this year that makes music... which is my favorite song"
I plugged in my vacuum. It didn't work.
I plugged it into another outlet. It didn't work.
I turned the corner and plugged it into another outlet... returned to my vacuum and turned it on... and it kind of turned on.
It started, but really really slow, then my 4 year old started yelling... "FIRE! FIRE!"
I turned the corner to see orange flames coming out of the outlet, licking the walls about 2-3 inches above the outlet.
I yanked out the cord, and the fire stopped.
Pretty exciting stuff.
My brother in law came over with his electrical stuff and we figured out which breaker/fuse controlled the power to that outlet and we turned it off. He extracted the prong from the vacuum plug that was left behind when I pulled out the cord and he found that the outlet wasn't grounded. In fact, he found that the electrical box was plastic and it wasn't grounded. "That" we thought, "Might be why the breaker didn't go but instead we got a fire"
AND OF COURSE, We ain't no electricians, so I called our electrician who is probably on a long holiday, and we are using battery operated lanterns and extension cords for the wee hours for the areas of the house that are now without power.
Let me tell you, the kids are having a good time. We went to Walmart yesterday evening, to get our flashlights and my 6 year old picked out a little one that straps to her forehead! HA HA HA HA HA
She is walking around like she is going spalunking in a dark cave! HA HA HA
OH, the best is that Walmart had batting helmets (you know the kind they use at batting cages or for little league) and they had 3 pink ones that were on sale for $3.00 each. So, my girls are all walking around with these pink helmets on this morning, carrying their battery operated coleman lanterns... except for my 6 year old who is wearing roller skates, her spalunking forehead flashlight AND her pink helmet! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AH
It's 6:55, now and the kids and I have been up about an hour... the sun is due to rise at 7:22AM.... I think I will pack them up and take them all grocery shopping! That should kill some time before the sunrises! HA HA HA HA
Their father is coming to visit them today, so that will give me some more time to finish cleaning up the christmas decorations and what not.
AND that... was yesterday.
Well, there was more... like, we went to the playground for an hour
my friend M and her ward came over to play and accompanied us to Walmart
my sister and her kids came over and.....
Rosie the Wonder Dog, true to her nature... and with the speed of light snatched a game piece from my neices new game of Trouble. While we were all looking for the piece on the floor under the table, Rosie was in the livingroom exploring it with her teeth. My sister found the piece later as they were packing up their stuff to leave.
Here is the new mantra for cleaning up: "If you don't pick that up, Rosie is going to get it!" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Have a Happy New Year!
Anyone have any New Year Resolutions?
Did I tell you......that my Ex-Husband, now "misses me & the kids" This was written in the card he gave me for Christmas... with a $500.00 gift card to me. He also gave me clothes, boots, a new winter jacket and other gifts. (of totally unappropriate proportions) -(note: I gave him 5 framed pictures of the kids, and they were "from the kids") Anyway, I used the gift card to purchase a Stationary Recumbent Bike. That will go hand in hand with my new water drinking routine... and I'm going to be the healthiest 43 year old on the planet... ok, maybe..... just the healthiest 43 year old.... in my house.
Well, it's now almost 7:00. I'd better get drinking my coffee... ha ha ha ha ha
Have a great New Years!
Happy Holidays
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9 years ago
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