Well, I didn't lose you when I came over from the dark side... I have probably lost you by my failure to keep you updated.
First of all, I have decided that I might be a little, tinsy winsy bit melancholy. I can't explain any other reason for my complete and total aversion to showers on the weekends. (ha ha) Unlike my single parent friends with small children, I am not reluctant to leave my house in my smelly 2 day old condition... I embark on great adventures leaving a path of reek..
Well, atleast I suspect I do... because as you all know... you really can't smell yourself... and if it ever gets to the point where you can... even if it's just a whiff... you know it's bad. I think it's the same theory for perfume. You know, how you smell your perfume as it wafts towards you in the atomized cloud, but as soon as it lands... nothin
Unless of course, you are the my ex-husband, who conquered that particular physics anomoly by using the 6 squirt method. YUP, 6 full squirts of whatever you got... and himself and 1/2 the country can smell him coming.
Ahhhh but I digress. Back to the showerlessness which I have come into. So, not long ago me and my friend Mary would comparing our inability to shower with the responsibilities of the little ones constantly pulling us away.... away.... away.... from personal hygiene... and she thought she had me. She did. she has slept in her clothes and worn them 2 days running, her hair (which is great for refrying) looked like she used Mayonaise as a shampoo and her feet were dedicated to her slippers, like a seagul to the ocean.
I trumped her.
I went food shopping! THEN, I went to Kohls, THEN I went to Walmart (where I'm sure if I had had a tin cup I could have made a dime in charitible contributions) Yes, my friends. It's this wonton disregard for what other people think (although not totally, since I did have the grace enough to cover my head with a baseball cap) .... (special note to self: look up wonton to make sure it's the correct spelling and I am not referring to a great cup of soup)... OK... let me rephrase...
Yes, my friends, its this WANTON disregard for what other people think that has led me down this path of self evaluation. THAT and the realization that my friend Mary probably took a shower this weekend, because A) someone was watching her ward for her... and B) she went on "sort of" a date. Nothing like having a date to get a girl in the shower.
Besides my propensity for the derelict look, nothing much is going on but CHRISTMAS shopping. Yesterday I spent 2 hours wrapping gifts. Honestly, if I could give these kids the world... I would. However, I am mindful A) that I have no money B) that giving them everything doesn't do them any favors.
With that in mind, I was careful not to overindulge and this year, I didn't get them so many similar things. Last year, I tried to keep harmony by getting them all the same stuff, thinking no arguments would ensue... and although that is true, it didn't exactly work as planned.
OK.... Speaking of my lovely little urchins... they are ALL demanding immediate attention... and requesting I check the status of the banana bread in the oven.
Yesterday whilst food shopping I purchased babyfood. stage 3 carrots. I am goign to start sneaking them into things I cook.. if I can. Today, I snuck some into the banana bread. I think it will be ok. I'll let you know.
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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