OK. It's 6:23 am.
Day Two: No light cream in my house. That translates to a rough rough start in the morning. As you know, I'm very picky about my coffee. very very picky.
Yesterday when I realized I didn't have light cream, I actually mustered the troups out the door early so taht I could stop at the Quick Check on my way to work for a nice big 60 oz cuppa joe.
Today... in order to ensure it does not happen again... I have just placed my grocery order online with Shoprite. I am scheduled to pick it up at 4:00 this afternoon... it's great! Me and the Kiddies pull up to the "shop at home" door, and they wheel out my groceries and stack them in my care. I then hand over my debit card or cash... and drive away!
I usually take this opportunity to stock up on the heavier items, like Diet Pepsi (my liquid of choice slightly further down the chain than coffee)
That's it.
I thought I was coming down with a cold... my whole body is very achy, the other night I had a stabbing pain in my chest when I took a breath or talked (you KNOW that must have been painful, because there ain't much that can stop me from jabbering away)
Today I am still achy.... and I am LONGING for a nice hot cuppa joe! Well, I suppose I could do a replay of yesterday... in fact. I'm gonna. I'll drop off my First grader, then my two preschoolers and I will make a coffee run! OH... I am soooo looking forward to that.
Did I tell you Rosie chewed my glasses... She chewed the things that go behind your ear... one side looks like .... well, like I might have a habit of putting it in my mouth while I am pondering a particularly perplexing problem. The other side looks like..... I was arrested and needed a weapon for the Big House. You know, the plastic is all gone just the dagger sharp metal that was the form under the plastic ear thingy.... yeah... I need me some coffee.
I am now going to check my latest You Tube upload... courtesy of Idaho.
I will try not complain about our weather...
have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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