OK, well... the kids are and my terrible cough seems to be resolving itself slowly but surely!
I figure by spring I should be healthy! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
The X called the kids yesterday and explained to my oldest that he wasn't available over the weekend, because he had to work...
You may remember, he works in a prison in the maintenance department. I told her that someone with a truck drove into the gate and he spent all weekend fixing it... you know so the prisoners don't escape. So, my persistent little 6.5 year old said, "But Daddy, Mommy called you all weekend to find out when you were coming!" to which he replied, "Oh, well I left my phone at home"
One more comment, then I'm not going to waste anymore space on this jerk. But let's think about it for a minute.
I just can't wrap my brain around it. Based on what I know about him, somewhere, sometime this weekend he did a little extra work.. that way, he would be able to say he worked OT and feel like he wasn't lying. So, even if he didn't return my calls (which were basically... "Hey when are you coming") You would think that a) he would call his children who he hadn't seen in a week or b) actually come to see them on one of the weekend days or c) call and make arrangements to see them for a couple of hours during the week --since I only live 30 minutes from his work. OR d) none of the above, which is what he chose... proving once again... that he is a jerk.
ok, I don't really feel better, because I really wanted to add some more curse words to that little paragraph.. and I wanted to rant and rave... but... here's the thing. I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT EVERY DAY ANYMORE! Yipppeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday I am going to the eye Dr. where I will try to convince the physician that I am NOT getting older and therefore do not need to have bi-focals. NO ONE BELIEVES ME.
Let me lay out my case.... You tell me...
#1) I never had a problem reading small print like books or package labels until the last pair of glasses I got. The Eye Dr. told me that my last prescription was wrong and that I would get used to this one...
#2) Same Eye Dr. told me the reason that my contacts weren't working as well anymore was because I was getting older... then I pushed and pushed and he finally let me try the contact lenses made for astigmatism... and that fixed my contact lens issue. duh
That's all I got... but here's the thing. That Dr. was sooooooooo wrong about the contacts... and he admitted to giving me a different prescription for the my glasses... and once I got the new prescription all of a sudden I had to take my glasses off to read things close? Doesn't make sense. However, I had already paid for the glasses and since I'm the opposite of "made of money" I have been using them....
Enter Rosie the Wonder Dog. Yup. During my 10 days of sickness... I must have taken my glasses off while dozing on the couch and she... well she chewed them. I have been stabbing myself behind my ear ever since.. and have decided to go have another check up. This time, I live in my new house in my old neighborhood... and I am going tot he Eye Dr. that gave me the BEST PRESCRIPTION IN THE WORLD! in addition to the snappiest glasses on the planet. You won't recognize me. I am going to be so thoroughly hip and cool... I'm a SUPERSTAR!
Dexter is doing well. did I tell you that I think Rosie and Dexter had a little tete-a-tete.. Dexter has a litle wheel with some long paint brush looking things. These things spin and push things into the bigger brush that sucks them up. One day I noticed that one of dexter's brushes was snapped off. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
I emailed Irobot and they actually sent me a new brush kit, mostly because Dexter was only like 2 months old. Well, I use Dexter ALL THE TIME. He does a great job of vacuuming my house... the other day I got an email from iRobot about a Scooba. That's right folks! It's a floor mopper!
I was in heaven! until I saw the price. It's a $500.00 vacuum! I couldn't believe it... Could you imagine? COULD YOU!?!
I could start with Dexter and when he is done with a room, send out Wilma (the Scooba) and let her mop the ever-lovin life outta my hardwood floors!
I am waiting patiently. Wilma will be on sale eventually... and when she is... I am going to pick her up and add her to my family of robots! You laugh... but I gotta tell you, these little guys pick up the HUGE pieces of dolls and other things that Rosie chews... it's amazing. They are a little loud, but not as loud as a regular vacuum... they seem loud, because they take longer to vacuum everything... but I gotta tell you, Dexter goes right under the couches and the TV stand... and won't stop until the room is all done, or his little basket is full. I love him.
That's about it. Oh, did I tell you I am daring myself to lose weight this week. I lost 8 pounds since I started Weight Watchers and it came off so easily, that I really felt like I wasn't trying, so now I'm worried that I'm losing weight because I'm actually sick... (not so much anymore now that my chest is not so heavy with congestion) but anyway, I have been eating like it's no body's business... and if I lose weight this week... then frankly, I am making an appointment with the Dr. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA -- of course, I may wait another 20 lbs before doing anything about it! HA HA HA HA HA HA
Gotta Go!
Shout out to my friends in Idaho
B in M (not to be confused this B&M the baked beans! )
Traveling Sis
And all my friends, that are so happy they are not me!
Have a great day!
Spring is right around the corner
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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