What happens if you DON't get a flu shot.
I'm 43 years old... never had the flu before... didn't believe any of the hype... NEVER in my wildest dreams of infirm-ness did I ever consider such a dibilitating stupid cold. AND I WAS LUCKY.... I.... (and I'm going to whisper here... then knock on wood as well) didn't get the pukes
For days I have walked around like the second guy in on Darwin's Theory of evolution depiction... well, except for most of the ones that I found when I tried to find you a picture to illustrate my posture... I'm not sure what diabolical mind was able to perpetrate this farse... but ALL of the graphics depicting Darwin's theory... now include President Goerge Bush.
Got my Grape Gatorade FROST.... ooooohhhhh chilly chilly...
It appears that even my brain cells are currently tied up with the fight raging on within my body, I can't seem to remember any of the pithy remarks I was thinking whilst laying in bed. The walk from my room to the computer... although short, requires SO MUCH EXERSION... I can't wait until this thing is all gone!
Weight watchers? F that.
Yesterday, on a whim I purchase a nice fresh long italian loaf of bread when the kids and I made a gatorade run, (after the Dr's visit... where he confirmed The Flu, but may want blood samples if the fever is still there by tomorrow....)
This morning, I made a BIG VAT of scambled eggs, and I toasted up AND BUTTERED a ton of little tiny yummy pieces of toasts! To make little tiny egg sandwiches! The kids and I LOVED THEM... Well, me and the kids that weren't currently experiencing stomache problems enjoyed them... THEN... for lunch I cut up the bread in nice little chunks and we dipped them into our Cup'o'noodles "Like Chicken" noodle soup!
tonight, I am pondering how to cut the HUGE slab of ground beef I was thawing. It was frozen yesterday, probably still frozen in the middle today, I may have until tomorrow.... but I will tell you this.... Can anyone say... SALISBURY STAKE! I'll George Forman those puppies, then slap'em in a vat of gravy, maybe make some egg noodles... and unless that's not enough starch... I might get some little red potatoes. whatta ya think about that.
You see my friends... My body is NOT craving a banana... It is now on the rebound and it would appreciate some comfort foods. Oatmeal, Eggs.... Salisbury Stake.
Hey I just realized....
I have had like 4 --20 oz gatorades today and only taken one potty break. Maybe I need to step up the liquids some more...
I'm afraid
I don't want to hinder all the good work that is going on in there... you know, getting me better... I'll just stick with the purple RipTide RushTM
Anyway, I am almost done washing all our blankets and pillows
YES... MARY I WASH THE PILLOWS... and that is why I won't spend $20.00 on a pillow. If I can't get it for atleast under 7.00.... it isn't coming home with me. Sometimes they lose a little shape after the wash... but they come back!
AND I know why my kids are always sick... because they play together and they cough right at each other... it's disgusting.
I've decided to get surgical masks.
Screw the Aviator Flu (I know I know... that's funny so I left it) I got a house full of kids and The Flu riding ontop of a Stomache Virus Wave!!!!
OK. Enough sickness. I really do feel much better. No one has puked since earlier this afternoon, and Mighty Man Mike went to the CVS (I love myself a CVS ) and got me some children's tylenol because for some reason my children all barfed up the children's motrin... So far so good...
Now if I can just keep everyone calm and healthy sounding I might be able to get to work.. because ... they do NOT pay be to sit home.
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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