Well well well.... once again I find myself embroiled in a slagathon of mammoth proportions... And so... because I am feeling particularly Romanesque... I will provide your with the update... in a Shakespearean style
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Slag, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Slag. The abominable Slagus
Hath told me his motor cycleth dideth crash:
Not a grievous accident, but more a 5 mph dump
And grievously hath Slag supposedly suffered.
Here, I say to you, an emergency room visit
That doth last under 3 hours denotes no great pain.
But insteadeth... This doth giveth the excuse he waiteth for.
The ticket out of worketh
OK... enough--Here's what happened, as far as I can tell.
Saturday evening I was riding the Harley Davidson (which he denies owning, but after about 15 of the 20 mandatory questions to get to the 1/2 point of truth, he said he is "keeping" it in his garage) So, He was riding the motorcycle of unknown origin, He admits he was putting along at about 5 mph, around a jug handle when he dumped the bike. He drove the motorcycle home.
He called his brother in law and asked him to take him to the emergency room, he went. He returned less than 3 hours later (after he claims they ran every single X-ray they could to confirm there were no broken bones) THAT.... was Saturday.
He said, he didn't even have any road rash.
He said he was sore.. and in fact, he was unable to see the kids on Sunday because of his "accident".
Today... Tuesday. He claims... he has been home since the accident. he has just refilled his prescriptions and he will be "out of work for a long long time"
now, you and I both know... that "out of work for a long long time" for a state employee... may just mean that they won't have to show up at work... but may still get paid. Who knows.
OK OK too callous? What if he is really hurt? Well... I seriously doubt he is seriously injured, but I believe fully he thinks he is.
AND that is how the Slag boy rolls! Speaking of rolls, he claims in his 5 mph skid... he had the presence of mind to leap over the handle bars and perform a combat roll free himself of the dangerous situation. Yea him.
On a bright note: My new little azalea bushes are thriving on my deck and are adding the most wonderful colors to my morning view!
Have a great day!
I hear that SHC is coming...
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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