On the whole, things are looking good.
SHC (Scary Hobo Clown) is no where to be found... I caught a glimpse of him when my brother moved in upstairs. (did I mention, that my brother moved in upstairs?)
We caught a glimpse of him, but alas... he has since disappeared. Perhaps, he is in hiding because he heard about what Rosie the Wonder Dog had been doing to the "toys" downstairs... who knows.
My mini-van is in the shop. Peace of Mind Auto Repairs... That's right, Friends and Family... I took my car to "Peace of Mind Auto Repairs" where Free Willy, (the mechanic, who as it turns out is named Willy, but is anything but Free) is working on repairing my machine.
Bad News $1052.00 for the repair
Good News in the process of getting to the part to fix the repair, he is removing and replacing some gaskets and seals that according to Ford are known to go bad at about this many miles.
How many miles? you ask.... I reply with a sigh..... "A mere 78K!" Well, it's no Jeep wrangler!
Fortunately my N BFF (text code for New Best Friend Forever) her husband loaned me his Suburban, which has worked out really well, because when the incredibly LAZY sanitation guys came buy and looked at the Yard Waste that was no neatly lined up at my driveway... they turned a blind eye... or perhaps were conveniently distracted by an attractive blue jay and failed to pick up my sticks! Thank goodness I had the suburuban, I just hauled them off to the recycling center myself.
My new camera is broken. That friends is a bummer, but still... it's just a thing. I have a service contract, a warranty and all that good stuff.... I'm sure it will be fine... but I have to get it to Mack Camera in Summit... which I will endeavor to do today.
Rosie is happy heathy and full of love... I have tired a rope around a tree... and I walk her with her lease in the yard... then when I have made sure the coast is clear... I let her run around. If she stays outside though, I clip her to the leash around the tree... I just can't risk her jumping the fence again.
The Kids... Ahhhhh the kids... They are ITCHING for summer! Thankfully I have figured out how to having someone watch them three days a week, and I will stay home 2 days a week. SUMMER... I'm so happy that I will be able to give them some semblance of a summer!
Ahhhhhhhh life is good.
So... I was thinking... if eveything that has happened... is the worst that happens.... I'm in GREAT SHAPE! right?
And Collicollkins..... The light at the end of the tunnel is finally glaringly bright! YOU DID IT! I'm so proud of you!
I'd also like to know .... exactly how much money one can expect to earn shoveling roofs in Idaho over the winter... HA HA HA HA HA
OH.... My Book Stores: Ready!
My Main Website: www.atticstairsbookshop.com
EBAY: http://stores.ebay.com/Attic-Stairs-Bookshop_W0QQsspagenameZMEQ3aFQ3aSTQQtZkm
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/shops/atticstairsbookshop
HEY.... I have an order on Amazon.com! How wonderful!
Gotta Go!
Have a good one!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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