I don't know what it is....
The approaching arrival of my parents and the mad rush to clean as if my life depended on it, while my three little urchins appear to conspire to immediately messy behind me. - not unlike an animated cartoon where the cleaner (me)... unaware of the little mess makers behine her (them), peers over her shoulder because she senses a presence... only to find an apparently empty room (but you as the audience know better... in fact, you know where the little mess makers have hidden and chuckle at their shenanigans)
The boxes decaying on my deck from my brothers move-in. I love my bro... and honestly, in the scheme of things that are mine to clean, his boxes represent less then 1% of the total shambles, however, the displaced clothing that I moved from upstairs to make more room is causing a problem, and I can't wrap my brain around what it will take to go through the clothing of these children and put away their winter and bring out their summer... sob... sob... I just can't do it
I have started working more hours at home, because... I gotta pay the bills, I think I kind of took a mental vacation there for a couple of months and didn't really put in the time I needed to make ends meet and it's catching up... thankfully I can also catch up...
Did I mention I really need to clean?
OK... I'm obsessing... right now, I am looking out onto a nice tidy dining room (I just finished cleaning it) and if I close the shades on the sliding glass door 1/2 way I won't even see the boxes all wet and sagging on my deck... I can pretend... for the next 30 minutes, that I am Sue Z. Homemaker.
So.... the Slagboy Saga continues... I can ONLY IMAGINE the story that is circulating in his favorite watering hole... here's the version I got last week.
Him: "Do you want a couch?"
Me:"Why are you getting a new one?" -(knowing he bought a whole new livingroom set when the kids and I left)
Him: "No I'm moving in with my brother and there isn't any room" pause "You can have the couches, the loveseat and ottoman, the wallunit and big screen TV, and I also have some end tables and a trundle bed"
Me: "Are you selling the house?"
Him: "No I'm going to rent it to pay the mortgage"
Me: "Oh, yeah, I'll take it"
OK... that was basically the first conversation, after that I have had several other conversations... In fact, he called me a couple of days later to ask me again, (it sounded as if he had forgot he asked the first time)
So... being the nice person that I am... when he called the other day, I confirmed he hadn't changed his mind or the situation hadn't changed and he said no, so i told him I woudl come down Saturday and bring the kids. He could take them somewhere and do something then bring them back to my house when they are done.
TODAY - I called him. new Story. We can still have the furniture, however, the rental fell through and he wants all the furniture out because he's going to fix up the house. He said, "It's got to go, the house is going" I asked him if he was going to sell it, he said, "I have to"
Now... PEOPLE, this house is in a very popular vacation area.... The type of area that gets between $800.00 - $1000.00 a WEEK in the summer. He could almost pay his mortgage for the year by renting it out weekly in the summer...
So... I mentioned to him about this... he said he didn't want to be bothered with a summer rental, then I reminded him that one of his neighbors is realtor and she would be able to look after the property... AND he said, "He didn't trust realtors" So.... I said, "Are you going to sell the house on your own?" He said he tried that already, he put an ad in the paper.
I shrugged my shoulders at the phone, remembered again how happy I am that it's not my life anymore, and told him I didn't want the furniture if he was going to stay in the hosue because then he wouldn't have anything. He told me, "take it, it's only in the way"
So.... Saturday, we are getting new livingroom furniture.
Sunday is the walk for breast cancer, the kids and I are going to meet M Collkins & Co. EARLY... she CLAIMS that we are to meet at 7:15 am somewhere.... I am VERY VERY DUBIOUS about M. Colkins & Co. being ANYWHERE but FAST ASLEEP at 7:15am..... We shall see.... we shall see.......
And that.... is why, my friends, I am personally going to embrace Friday with the open arms of a long lost friend whence it arrives! I need.... I love.... I crave.... FRIDAY!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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