OK, there are a couple of things I can't tell... because I swore that I wouldn't... but I never promised not to name names...Anna Silva
And that's all I have to say about that. I'm not going into the unmentionable detials here... but there's a new name in town (Anna Silva) and well.......
Let me just start with the misrepresentation that her house was conveniently located a mere 3 - 4 blocks from where the race was going to start... and tell you the truth of the matter was.....
We started in her town, walked clear through the next town... and into the following town. Then proceeded about 1 mile into the Park before we even saw any other humans... except for Mary Francis (her real name too... it was too great a name not to really use it) Mary Francis hooked a ride from her husband (who she explained has been complaining all week about having to take a break from hsi regular shopping schedule and drop her off at the walk)
The highlights of the walk.
Highlight Number One: The Down Hill Portions
Highlight Number Two: The Shoprite Grocery Tent
Highlight Number Three: The Cute Fuze Guy that K thinks is Gay, which is probably why I think he's cute, 'cause that is my luck
Highlight Number Four: Finding out that pictures of the race participates will be available online
Highlight Number Five: realizing I was Dead Dog Tired... and it was still early enough in the morning to go home, go back to bed, and get up when most of humanity was just rising for the first time!
and I gotta tell you.... There is NOTHING... I mean NOTHING like spending the day laughing it up with a bunch of friends, even if you gotta walk 5K to do it. (although... ANNA SILVA will try to tell you it's not 5K, it's only 3 - 4 blocks.)
OH.... Big Event Tip #1) Don't attempt to use the Porta John that is standing by itself in the middle of a field. In fact, make sure you hit the potty before you arrive at "the big event"
Loved the Susan Komen walk for Cancer... I think everyone would go... and I think I can take my car and meet them at the finish line.. you know, like a shuttle. I'll be the Susan Komen Shuttle for Cancer.
Have a great day!
remember: Don't pull a ANNA SILVA!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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