First of all... what's the difference between a Nanny and a babysitter, can someone tell me. I'd like to call the woman I hired for the summer a Nanny, because I'm certainly paying her enough to warrant such a nice title... but I think... a Nanny is really a babysitter... EXCEPT if you are super Nanny. (not to be confused with Supper Nanny - which was what I originally typed)
AND... although my children are not incorrigible, they do like to burst out into song and dance and skip infront of mirrors at most available instances.... Do I need a Super Nanny?
Well.... as it turns out, I may just have found myself a Super Nanny... because, my new Nanny is a Clutter Expert. In her own words, she helps people eliminate their emotional attachments to their clutter! HA HA HA HA HA HA
So... She isn't actually a professional Clutter Expert, she is more like someone that helps her friends.. and all her friends have been telling her she could get paid for that. Well... She can't start that business until AFTER the summer... but keep tuned, she may be using me as her first publized client and you can bet your bottom dollar I will post the clip on YouTube.
Well that is if I can afford to get my camera repaired!
Let's see...
Today is Mothers Day. My EX picked up the kids yesterday and took them to walmart where they bought me a nice assortment of colorful flowers to celebrate today's holiday. AND cards, they all got me mothers day cards.
My oldest daughter got me a gift and wrapped it in tinfoil... it's so cute. The gift is suspiciously shaped like a gardening shovel... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
AND... as you know my brother is living upstairs.
Things I hope he has learned from living here:
1. It's ok to go shirtless if...
You are on the beach
You are chopping/splitting wood
You are in the privacy of your house or sunbathing in your yard (this does not include light gardening in May or strolling around to meet the neighbors, exceptions would include mowing the lawn in July.)
2. Before you do something, ask yourself - What would I think if I saw my neighbor doing that?
For instance, what would I think if I saw my neighbor in a bikini shaving her legs... is kind of like seeing you shirtless shaving your head and trimming your beard. Both things... no one needs to see. What is it with guys... my EX used clip his toenails on the front stoop...
3. Number one item on your list of any list you create .... is ASK FIRST. It is a proven fact, if you are a guy, living in a house full of women, your priorities aren't going to come CLOSE to the priorities of those with whom you reside. You can't get hurt... if you ask first. EVEN if you have already prepared your list.... Keep it to yourself. Make it like, you are asking first.
4. Finally, Barter is fine for family, but the rest of the planet needs money.
And So... in closing.... I love my brother and he is a tremendous help around the house and yard. I'm glad he's here... and you know me... I'm having a hard time not starting a new blog... but then who would read it?
Happy mothers day
Have a great day!
Summer is right around the corner!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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