I'm no financial wizard... but wouldn't the 700 billion dollar bail out be better served.... back in the hands of the people that can't afford to pay their mortgage and therefore will be losing their houses.
Again, I say I'm no financial wizard... but let's take a look at this... my perspective.
Times are tough
No one can pay their bills
Credit cards, mortgages... everything is tough all over....
So.... You have say...... 700 billion dollar's you are going to hand someone without any expectation of being paid back... right? am I right? Are the companies that will be getting this money.... supposed to pay it back? no? yes? anyone?
So, let's assume they "say" they will pay it back, So the big companies are going to sue you and me to get the money that we owe them... I'm not disputing that we owe the money... but I gotta tell ya...
I'm no financial wizard, why oh why does all the bail out money always go to the top!?!
Why not send the money to us... the people who weren't able to pay the credit cards and mortgages... and let us pay off those credit cards and mortgages... and then... hhhmmmmmm.... instead of making us promise to pay it back (as if we could)... why not make me agree not to open a new credit card or buy a new house in the next 5 years... or wait... if you want to help the guys on top... why not make me promise... TO open a new credit card and TO DEFINITELY look for a new house.
Can you see it?
That 700 Billion dollar bail out is in essense our money... I have paid the credit card companies... plenty.... bail our my debt. The credit card company wins because they aren't carrying the debt... and I win because I no longer have any debt.
BUT NO.... instead... the government is going to what? hand the credit companies money... so.... what? what? The CEO's, SEO's, CHIEF Something or others can continue to draw a nice salary until it is clear that we are definitely in a recession and then... what? file chapter 13?
Knock? Knock? I mean hello?
I'm sorry about Lehman brothers (I think they make nice suits right? ha ha ha) anyway, I'm sorry to hear about all of the newly unemployed people... I have no problem sharing some of the 700 Billion dollars with them... honestly, I only need about... I don't need much... only about 420K to settle everything up nice and tidy and have a nice house in a nice community... I'm working. I'll share some money with the people that lost their jobs. How many is it? 4000? tops?
let's say, they all have a mortgage of 450K... 450.00*4000 = 1,800,000 --- See... that's NOTHING like the bail out.
I'm telling you... Just freaking pay off the mortgages... and credit card debt... and let's all start over.
I think I smell a grass roots movement.
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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