This week was harrowing.
As you know, my children have started waking up at 5:00am.
I'm awake... it's just that it is my quiet time. You may have noticed that I haven't had any blog entries recently... that's because the kids have been getting up so early, there isn't any time before the ... constant... persistent... unending... verbal barrage "mommy... mommy... mommy... punctuated by (insert name) hit me or called me names or won't share or won't play..." .. sigh..
It is now 7:00am.
Here's today's timeline
5:00 - they woke up, I spoke to them about getting along and let them know that they could stay in the livingroom and watch TV as long as they were quiet, because it was really too early for them to be awake.
5:15 - they started to argue
5:20 - reminded them about getting sent to their room
5:30 - got sent back to their bedroom
5:40 - told them next step is TV get turned off
5:58 - bedroom TV got turned off - explained next step is no swim lessons
6:15 - No swim lessons
6:15 - 6:35 - blessed quiet
6:35 - 6:50 one at a time they came out for pens or crayons to color, Middle child isn't allowed to color in the bedroom now because she drew on the walls. Middle child is heartbroken and has been crying.
6:52 - Child 1 spider in the room (get back in your room)
6:57 - Child 1 and 3 we wrote a song for you (get back in your room you can sing it to me later)
6:58 - Child 1 I'm hot (get back in your bedroom)
6:59 - Child 1, "why is child 3 in the livingroom?" - ME: (insert name) get back in your bedroom
7:00 - Now the day can begin... right.
This has been my morning.... ALL WEEK.
Each day has started with a full on 2 hours of torture.
This just started. I don't know what switch got flipped, but this has just started... and this is my Achilles heel. I can pretty much remain level and even keeled through-out the day ... provided I have that little bit of quiet time in the morning.
Today their father claims he will be picking them up at 8:00am and taking them to an Amusement Park. My guess is he will have them for about 5 hours.
Today I get the clock for their bedroom
Today I look into converting the "book room" into a bedroom
Today I finish cleaning the house
Today I speak to my brother about some extra furniture in the house that's taking up too much room
Today I will finish up the laundry and shopping for the week.
Hopefully when they return from their father's I will have the house in order, the clock installed, and everything else in place to start a new fresh week, complete with the "don't leave your room until 6:30 rule".
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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