Good Morning, friends family and complete strangers... cough cough loyal readers
This morning I have come to apologize. You see, I know I haven't been updating my blog regularly ... well, since school started.
Today in a moment of clarity I realized... it's because for some reason the kids are getting up early! I'm up at 5:00am... AND SO ARE THEY!
I mean, what the heck is going on.
In the past.... I would rise, I would make my pot of coffee... I would have a luxurious hour to myself putting my thoughts together and .... now..... by 5:15 the whining and complaining has already commence... this... I can not take.
This.... is NOT going to work for me.
For those of you that know... You know I am not a night person... I'm usually asleep shortly after the kids go to bed at 8:30. This last week has been harrowing. I mean... harrowing in every sense of the word.... like hanging off a cliff waiting for superman to come save me... HARROWING!
I know what I'm going to have to do
You know what I am going to have to do
I am going to have to get up earlier.
4:00 - 4:30....
I have to!
I don't enjoy quiet time in the evening... because my brain is tired, my eyes are tired, my whole person is tired.... I enjoy a good healthy early morning cuppa coffee... with just me, the dog and my computer.
AND so.... That is settled. I will see you tomorrow at 4:00am!
Kids appear to be healthy today, well atleast the two that have been up for an hour. The other one will wake up shortly as the scent of bacon fills the house. ... oh here she is... asking why it's dark and the middle of the night and everyone is awake... and she looks me dead in the eye and says, "Wheres the bacon?" OH here comes the whine... "I'm hungry"
Gotta go... and it's only 6:00am.... oh for pete's sake... this has got to stop!
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9 years ago
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