That's right, friends, family and onlookers, I have posted 100 entries since the inception of Rosie the Wonder Dog. Feels like just yesterday... I was getting divorced and you guys were helping me laugh at the situation... then I became Slag Free... and then we got Rosie the Wonder Dog... My My My how life progresses.
Speaking of Slag, he called yesterday to tell me that he will make up the money that he owes me for child support, you know from his "motorcycle accident" ... right... Now,I'm not denying the possibility that he actually dumped a bike, but come on... he helped my brother carry his living room furniture into the truck... but he couldn't go to work? PPLLLAAAAAEEEEEEESSSSEEEEE... Anyway, in a remarkable show of insight, he decided NOT to come to the birthday party this weekend. He decided instead to come tonight after he gets off work, and see his daughter before the party.
I said, "Why aren't you coming to the party?"
He said, "Well, because I think I will feel weird"
So, that is more common sense then I think he has shown... ever.
Then I had a talk with him about our oldest eating habits and asked for his support in helping her eat healthier... blah blah blah... he was like, I don't feed them junk.
(Did you jaw just drop? Mine hit the ground...) I said, "Hmmm, Oh I see, you have been packing them lunches?"
Him: "No, but I don't let them eat crap"
Me: " Ok, what are they eating, McDonalds? Wendy's? "
Him: "Yeah, just the chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers.... and fries"
Anyway, this is clearly a man that thinks orange soda is healthy.
oh well..... that's about it, I cleaned and organized the book room, the kids room, the living room, the dining room... I just have my bedroom and the bathroom to complete and then the house is ready for THE PARTY! The girls are very excited. I'm very excited, I'm going to be making a ... are you sitting down... a sponge bob squarepants cake. Complete with copyrighted colors for the frosting!
Yup. life is good!
OK... now to go update the Ultra top secret double cloaked blog.
Also started... (I know, I'm a sick sick woman, but I gotta think that eventually something is going to work...
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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