.... sigh.... If I could find the perfect job... It would be someone either paying me to read books...
or paying me to write my blog.
AND THIS.... This my dear friends is why I am writing. I found Pay Per Post. payperpost
Here's what I envision:
The cool summer breeze blowing through my long blonde hair as I relax on the veranda whhile my secretary... strike that, while my muscular male secretary types in my blog entries for me while I finish getting my mani-pedi and my children finish up craft hour with Martha Stewart.
Mental note: earn enough for veranda, male secretary, mani-pedi and Martha.
Seriously, ... if nothing else, I am extremely impressed by the personnel at payperpost I logged a tech ticket because I had a question and in the email back, they commented on my blog (specifically the 10 cool things that make you look uncool) the remailed response WAIT.... I can excerpt it. Here it is:
"I took a look at your blog today and was able to approve it. Even if the link to the 10 things that prove you're not cool actually means that our whole office is officially uncool (if the I-Phone didn't do it, the Guitar Hero certainly did!)."
That my friends is a happy, funny reply in a world of automated and inanimate responses.
I am going to check out the rest of the site and will keep you posted.
Can you imagine.
Can you dream
Wouldn't it be great! Someone paying me to write my blog!
Have a great Day!
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