Well, Friends, Family and Countrymen.... My first day with my new summer schedule is coming to a close and I have a few things I need to get off my chest.
First, let me say, my oldest (who will be Seven on Sunday) was able to get through an asthma attack with the accursed prednizone. Yippeee Yahoooeeeeyyyyy The Dr. confirmed that she is out of the woods, so to speak. She will be monitored closely (finally) and we may have her asthma managed by september! That is Great news.
Secondly, my brother in law, rocks he watched the younger two so I could take my oldest to the Dr. appt. sans the young'ins... and we were in and out in 15 minutes. A world record, (side note: My sister rocks by association)
Thirdly, I have blisters on my hands. "Blisters?" you ask. "Yes, blisters," I confirm with a scowl... For you see, I mowed the lawns today. I thought my lawn care technician was going to do it yesterday and not only did it NOT get mowed yesterday, but my lawn care technician is now injured. Apparently, golf is a very strenuous sport. snicker snicker
Anyway, It's late late, ok... it's only 8:10pm... but that's late late for me. I was up at the crack of dawn this morning, trying to generate a buzz about my blogs! Tomorrow I have alot of real work to do.. So, I won't get to play.
Have a great Friday!
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