Getting ready to call my friend M... but first... maybe just possibly a nap is in order! Bwaaaa haaaa haaaaa
The kids are with slag boy, but they may be back soon, so a nap... OH To Sleep! To Dream... TO NAP! MY KINGDOM FOR A NAP!
Last week was the first day the kids were home from school with the "nanny". Who is really a kid-sitter... right? This coming week, they will be home three days in a row, and then we will all be together for Thursday and Friday and I'm looking forward to that!
HEY, I just found a link to a tool called pays bloggers... check out this link:
Your Momma blogs...and we pay her to do it!
I know, I know sounds silly... but it looks cool.
OK, let's see... That's about it, been working on the website, which looked AWESOME on my desktop... but I just checked it out on my laptop and ... sigh... it sucks. So, Here is where I'm going to get geeky, and for those of you that just don't care... check in later for another blog entry... and for those of you that care too much... I will be updating the ultra top secret blog.
Bottom line. I'm going to have to chuck my incredibly easy to use MS Frontpage 2002 software... and teach myself how to use the much more versatile and basically the industry standard.... Dreamweaver. ( actually have the whole Photoshop CS3 - which is awesome and i sure would like to get the time to teach myself to use it)
So... Although you can check out it's going to be getting a makeover soon
I hope everything in Idaho is well
I hope everything in Montville is well
I will be calling Kearny shortly
Have a great day!
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