The birds are creating quite a ruckus outside. It almost drowns out the distant rumble of the trucks headed down the interstate. It's sounds like a wierd science fiction thing... like there is a big vaccum running in the distance, and someone is squeezing a hundred squeeky toys.
NOISY for 5:00am
Fat and Happy almost bit the big one yesterday. For those of you that don't know, Fat & Happy is what we call the squirrels. Because they are fat and happy. They are also clevre little creatures that enjoy torturing Rosie the wonderdog. Thye stand on the deck on the other side of the sliding glass door and basically dare Rosie to get them through the glass.
They appear to have her schedule down, because they are no where to be found until she has been otu in the morning, then all of a sudden they decide to party right in front of her face.
I felt bad for her yesterday so although I was running late, I stealthily opened the door while 3 Fat & Happy were forraging in my garden and Rosie BOUNDED off the deck stairs hanging in the air like a scene from Matrix and almost landing on one of the squirrels (in retrospect, it probably wasn't such a good idea... I mean, what would I have done if she had actually caught it)
The fuzzy tailed rodent was so shocked, it almost didn't make it to a tree.
With a smile on her face, Rosie, proceeded to perform the rest of her rounds, which included rousting all of the birds off the fences and away from the succulant insects in the lawn. Rosie ran the fence line a couple of times to make sure eveyone knew she was serious, then she returned to me... with a smile.
yup that's my dog.
So, This was the first week of my new summer schedule. The child care provider... hhhmmm Nanny?.... nope... babysitter? ... kid sitter. That's better, the kid sitter was great. The kids LOVED her and guess what.... She straightened up the house.
She actually dusted and cleaned out behind my computer! IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT.... Very good score. how do people do that? How do normal people (obviously not like me) have time to actually clean and fold laundry and stuff (I know Dr. Coll... I know) Then it occurred to me... PERHAPS.... JUST MAYBE.... They don't spend so much time writing blog entries...
Hmmmmmmm ...... naw that can't be it! HA HA HA HA HA HA A AH
Next week I will be on vacation. This weekend is the big party... which reminds me I haven't gotten any response from several invitation recipients... (b the king? you coming?) Slag boy intends to attend the party. OH, happy day.
Everyone says, "Oh that's great, so good that he will even be in the same room wiht you" So GOOD? SO GOOD!?! If I wanted to be in the same room with him... I would hvae stayed married! HA HA HA HA However, since it's not MY BIRTHDAY, it's my daughters, I will suck it up...
Hey... I have a poll on my other blog. check it out!
Oh look at the time before I go... Let me just grace you with my latest ephany.
Oh, look there's fat & happy.... I have to go let Rosie out! Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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