That's right... first of all, take note: Thwarted, not your average word. I challenge you... ney, I dare you use this word in at least one written correspondance and/or one spoken.
Anyway, my middle child has a UT infection... thus far unconfirmed, however I did drop off the "sample" (which ... I must say, nothing brings joy to this childs face quicker then the words ... You get to pee in a cup)
Ahhhhh yes... my streak was broken by what I can only guess was soapy bath water. HA HA HA (it's a girl thing)
Anyway, we are going bowling today... and I must say... unless someone stops me I am going to proceed on my path of food debauchery and eat "BOWLING ALLEY FRENCH FRIES" 'cause that's what you do when you go bowling. OK OK, so you roll a couple of 10 pound balls down a freshly waxed lane... yeah yeah yeah... but do you look forward to that? nnnnooooooooooooooo it's the french fries! The French Fries are the only thing that can keep my mind off of the thought of what virus or bacteria lives in the finger holes of the public bowling balls! Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
You know, to hear some of my virus and bacteria rantings you would think I am a white tile clean freak! AND... you would be very very very far from the truth. I am in fact, quite at home with my families domestic virus and bacteria. The fact there have been days while filing the dishwasher that a particular cup or utensil actually stuck to the counter... attests to my ability to overlook our personal cultivations...
My problem is with the things that unknown persons introduce into the mix.
Here's what I'm talking about.
My 3 almost 4 year old sneezes into her hands and comes running to me with snot strings running from her little nostrils to her hands she holding out 10 inches from her face. I grab some tissues and I clean her up... If we are home, I send her off to the bathroom to wash her hands. If we are out I clean it up as best as I can until we see a washroom or until we get home... If we were in a bowling alley... I'd walk her to the bathroom and wash her hands..
My question... does everyone? How many snotty little fingers were stuck in those little holes?
OH, I'm grossing myself out! HA HA HA HA HA AH I hope my sister (who is going to meet us there) doesn't read this until AFTER the excursion! HA HA HA HA AH
OK, I gotta go take a shower... I had to wait for the hot water.. That's right. Two kids took showers today and now... no hot water.
have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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