I know it's not a very big picture... but I was thinking you could right click... save it to your My Pictures... then use it.... as your desktop wallpaper.
Unless you think it will just remind you.
Well, we wait with bated breath for some entertaining tales of DOB yesteryear. In the meantime let me give you an update about the gang here at Rosie the wonder dog house.
First... the winner of the Name the Online Bookstore is....... (drum roll please)
ATTIC STAIRS BOOKSHOP (or did you know that already)... hhhmmmmm I think you did. Now I'm just working on the graphics for a logo! THEN T-SHIRTS! I LOVE T-SHIRTS!
So, as soon as I have some free time, I'll be putting the website together, hopefully that will be soon because I now have about 700 books... maybe even 1000... Yes, I know... it's a veritable book explosion!
Here's what happened. A local Friends of the Library group had their annual book sale.. which was huge and they didn't come close to selling all of the books. For some reason it occurred to me that there were a lot of books and a couple of weeks after the sale I called to see what they did with the books they didn't sell... and it turns out..THEY WERE GIVING THEM AWAY!
So, my minions and I descended upon the library and got a ton of books. My brother went during the day and painstakingly open and shut hundreds of books looking for first editions. I went the following day with my friend and her daughter and we took literally a whole van load.
I would have taken more if I could... because yesterday the 1000's of books that were left over... were going to the dump.
(a little reminiscent of Fahrenheit 451 if you ask me)
Today I am taking the kids to my ex-husbands house... so that he can spend the day with them. Normally he would wander up to my house about mid-morning and he would return them to me by mid-afternoon... but this week he requested an "overnight" which... I have come to realize is code for: I want you to bring them here, so I will propose the unthinkable so that you will compromise and bring them to me so I don't have to do all the driving.
Somehow, I think if he actually said, would you bring the kids here this Sunday and I'll bring them back... it would be easier on my nerves then the stress of having starts and stops of talking to someone that constantly contradicts his previous statement.
Talking to my ex-husband is like watching retrospective film footage of the president on The Daily Show. You know, where they show a clip of the president saying something during his first term in office, and then saying the opposite in his second term of office. The difference is, that my ex-husband does that in the same sentence... nay... the same breath!
Him: "I want to pick up the kids on Saturday so they can stay over night"
Me: "Well, I'm not sure, do you have beds?"
Him: "Yeah, I have three beds, 'cause I have that trundle bed"
Me: "Well, trundle bed makes 2 beds"
Him: "Ok Yeah, I have 2 beds"
Me: (thinking)
Me: "Are you the only one living there?"
Him: "What are you crazy? You better just get all that out of your imagination, I am the only one living in this house. "
Me: "It's not my imagination, you offered rooms to someone I know and told him that you were already renting out some of the rooms"
Him: "oh Well, I was just thinking about it, it never really happened"
So you see... the life of a liar doesn't change much.
So, it's 5:40am. I'm going to hop in the shower... then wake up the kids and we are going on a mini-road trip to his house... I will be depositing them on his door step around 8:00am. (all going well) and he can spend the day with them.
I know you will all agree.... OVERNIGHT is out of the question.
AND that... is my update. Spring is right around the corner... although my weather.com splash screen says 26 degrees... the high will be 48, which is almost 50, which is much closer to 60-70 which is SUMMER TIME WEATHER!
OK... I gots to go!
Have a great day!
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