Let me preface this report, by explaining that I heard this from my friend... who heard it from her boyfriend, who bumped into an old friend... who had bumped into my ex-husband at his favorite watering hole.
Having said that... I really didn't hear anything that sounded like something I wouldn't actually have heard if I had been sitting next to the original conversation. Sad but true
Let me just set the mood.
I'm not sure what day of the week it was when this conversation occurred... but my X still gets out of work at 3:30... so he would be in the bar by 4:00pm.
Sooo.... let's say the first Vodka Orange Splash of Club goes down by 4:05.... we would find him finally slowing down around 4:30 with drink number 4.... He's getting loud. He's in full "woe is me" mode.
IN walks... "old friend", fresh off his own divorce, temporarily living with his parents, he sidles up to my X and after 5 - 10 minutes of catching up and a round of drinks... the story unfolds.
(This is the part, where I urge you to either sit down... or stop drinking your coffee... because I wouldn't want to be responsible for you spitting your coffee all over your keyboard and monitor)
Upon hearing that this "old friend" is living with his parents, my X informs him that.... he is renting out rooms in his house on a month to month basis. He can have one of the rooms for $700.00 a month... He has 4 people currently renting, but 2 or more are moving out so he will have an availability at the end of the month. (but wait it gets better....)
He said that the reason he was renting his out out was being he was paying his ex-wife 3500.00 a month and every time they had an argument he ends up paying more money!
That ontop of the cool Million he told everyone I got when I divorced him... would put me on easy street... (don't let me start daydreaming about that money... because I might just go out and buy a lottery ticket... )
Yup. I think the friend of my friend, indicated that the old friend decided to decline the offer of a room at the chalet slage' which is a good thing.. because I would have urged him to run... not walk... back to his little free room at his parents house..
My friend, however, was infuriated... (she is fiercely protective) and she said, "If you don't do it... I will." I said, "Do what?" She replied, "take out a pull page ad in the local paper down there and put the record straight... name names... list lies... basically let everyone know what a jerk..."
We were both silent.
Who believes him?
Even if the whole population of the town he lives in... believes his lies... I don't care. I dont' live there and ... I have all of you... who know the truth.
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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