First, let me just put your mind at ease.... baaw baaw bawww baaw (that my friend, is the written sound of a banjo... plucking the first few notes of the infamous... dueling banjos) - (which, as another side bar, never fails to remind me of the movie deliverance, which also reminds me of the time I drove through some mountains in Tennessee... which in turn reminds me of the 2:00am "Feed the Children" info-mercial... which brings me back home... with the face of my hair trimming 3.5 year old who never fails to look like the little urchin sitting on the front porch of the Appalachian shack)
Moving right along....
I am writing today, because I am jonsing.... for a dysfunctional office update. When last we heard from our heroine (is that how you spell it if it's a drug or is that a female protagonist?) Anyway, Rosie (not to be confused with The Wonder Dog) was investigating the theft of her Humongous burger...
that was it.
I need to know..... did a new burger miraculously appear on your desk? Did Enrico Suave (or whatever the dudes name is) 'fess up to his slide to the dark side? AND... more importantly did Paris Hilton figure out if she was still wearing her protection. These are all questions I need answered! (keeping in mind, I didn't ask about the downstairs bathroom... of the fur ball puking cat)
And So.... with no remorse... I create this blog entry SPECIFICALLY to get you to create one!
To those that want to know... check out the dysfunctional office here!
Don't worry... sob sob... I know it's pretty entertaining... sob... It's not like you won't come back to me... right? At least once in a while... and read... my ... mutterings? right?
Just Kidding.
Their blog is a HOOT!
have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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