It is wrap up...right? not Rap up? .... Ra Ra Ra Raaaapppp up.
Anyway, bowling was great! MAJOR SHOUT OUT to my sister who... in addition to waiting out an incredibly long game of bowling wherein just my children gently rolled the ball down the alley... she HOOKED ME UP! That's right, friends family and others... She came back to my house... and really did me a solid.
First: She added the additional adult support in relighting my hot water heater... (it was very very windy the night before and apparently the pilot light got blown out.) OH yeah, you will read in the entry I wrote before this one.. that my kids used all the hot water, well when we returned from bowling.. there STILL WASN'T ANY HOT WATER.
So I set out to read the label on the front of the hot water heater... the one that says: How to light the pilot light on your hot water heater. Couple of things about the label. First of all.. the only graphics are graphics of people treating major burns and fire and other kids of warnings. AND... the thing is a little frightening... For instance, it explains how to turn off the pilot light and then says something like, "if you smell gas please refer to step (B) " which is
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Anyway, I couldn't find ANY of the flashlights that I know are floating around the house, and my grill lighter was Kaput... so I went to the local Krauzers where they had Fire Place Matches (you know the ones that are like 12 inches long) and a crappy little cheap flashlight. I went to pay with my debit card (because I don't carry money 'cause then I'll spend it)... This establishment is a cash only convenience store... which makes it less convenient for me..
Anyway, after dumping out my purse and coming up with $4.24 in quarters, nickles, dimes and pennies... I returned home.
My sister had read the label, I had talked to both of my brothers who had basically explained the lighting process without any of the "call the fire department" warnings... so I felt a little better about it... and between my sis and I... we re-lit the pilot.
The Second thing my sister did... she setup, organized and assisted the kids in planting the many flower seeds I purchased recently into the many strawberry containers I have been saving over the past year for this purpose.
Yes, I could have done that... but what I would not have done is... have each strawberry container neatly labeled with the type of flower that has been planted. The kids names are on a couple so that they can take ownership of those seeds... Really really cool.
In case you are interested: We used the clear plastic strawberry containers with lids. We lined the bottom with a square of paper bag that we nicked the edges so it would bed and come up on the sides. That will keep the dirt from falling out the big holes in the bottom and also let the water come out so it won't be too wet.
Then we watered and wrapped the whole thing in saran wrap (that's for the first 10 - 14 days of germination... you know, it creates a greenhouse effect.. )
Then I put them all on storage tub lids. That will protect the table from the water that comes out the bottom when they get watered.
Pretty cool eh?
So, the difference between what my sister did and what I would have done is... My planting would have been all willy nilly and I wouldn't have been able to plan to plant anything I would have just had to put the plants in the ground and hope for the best! HA HA HA HA AH AH
OK... that's about it.
I had a great weekend. Interesting weekend. Profitable... that's right, did I mention I went to the Book Barn and picked up some used science fiction books. I have some listed in my ebay store:.... I sold one book out of my store over the weekend and another book I just picked up is on auction and already has a bid.
I LOVE BUYING AND SELLING BOOKS! If you have any books you have been thinking about donating... you can donate them to the "help support Rosie the Wonder Dog Fund" it's not a .org or tax deductible ..... YET! HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AH AH AH
Have a great day!
Enjoy the approaching Spring!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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