Well, thank you all for taking my little "Name the bookstore survey" -(which is still located on the right hand side... if you are so inclined) The winner by a landslide is:
Attic Stairs Book Shop
NOW.... for the logo
I am currently accepting logo submissions... and you can email me at atticstairsbookshop@gmail.com
You can hand draw a logo and scan it and send it... You can computer generate a logo and email it... whatever you do, it has to be original art... so I don't get in trouble when I use it...
That's right folks... The winner gets... A free T-shirt displaying their logo and the book store website!
A FREE T-SHIRT! I know, I know, it's hard to believe... that a simple thing like helping me brand my online book store would provide you with such riches... but it's true!
Here's how it's going to work!
I will be accepting logo submissions for a while... when I have collected enough... I will put it to a vote. You can submit as many as you want! You don't have to submit pictures, your logo suggestion can just be the arrangement of the name "Attic Stairs Bookshop" or... there can be a picture... doesn't matter to me.
Meanwhile, I will be working out my own idea for the logo.
Anyway... After my book room underwent a stunning transformation... I am very excited to get my books all listed on the different services. Based on your responses for my "Name the bookstore" survey, it seems like most people go right to amazon for their reading needs. Did you know about alibris? or Biblio? these are websites that specialize in out of print books.
Anyway, I have to go refill my cuppa coffee.
OH... shout out to B - who is under the weather... and as he put it... my household must be doing well... because he seem to be sick whenever we are not. Looks like we won't get over to see his new digs until the summer time! HA HA HA AHA
OH... we planted seeds... and aside from a minor flood (cause by an over zealous 4 year old and a water can) the plants appear to be doing very well. Now I need to prepare a couple of flower beds for the ---over 400 seeds we planted!
Fortunately, my sister will be taking some of the seeds back to her house to planting... I hope!
My windowsill apple tree is doing well, it is over an inch and a half! The kids were so excited when they saw that the seed had actually started growing... My 4 year old was especially joyous and happily informed me that we would save a lot of money this year buying apples... I had to explain how slowly trees grow... from seed...
That's it!
We are all well... Life is good! Spring is around the corner... Summer is swiftly approaching...
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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