Just in case you aren't following The Gluten Free Blog... I'll update you.
The short story. My ex-husband AKA Slag boy, is the Anti-Gluten Free Entity... I don't want to talk about it... I just want to tell you, that the kids walked in with Wendy's bags for dinner.
And, it could have been worse, because I packed them snacks and fed them breakfast, so it could have been much much worse... of course my 7 year old was starving by the time they got to Wendy's because he didn't feed them lunch.
He claims he couldn't get them out of the water.
He claims that my 7 year old told him that Wendy's was ok for them to eat
The he made some hush hush noises when she started to tell me about the other things that they ate at the pool (like the onion rings)
Well, thankfully... that was my life yesterday and not today. AND I don't have to worry about him and his bad influence until next week. My only concern is that he is kind of turning the "let's see what we can get away with behind mommy's back" thing into a game.
OH, he is such a jerk.
OK.... letting it go away..... I have no control over his actions.... and I don't have to think about them for another whole 6 days.... it's just very frustrating to work so hard and then have him come and spoil it... arrrgggghhhhhhhh
Well, my 7 year old had quite a tummy ache last night.
We'll see how she is feeling this morning.
In other News:
The weekend was spectacular... from the wild thunder storm to the sunny sunny Sunday. Saturday the girls and I went swimming in the lake early until the rain forced us out. Then we did some stuff inside, it was fun. Sunday, the kids went with their dad to the pool by his house and I got my hair cut, picked up a new pair of running shoes
RUNNING SHOES: That's right folks. I was NEVER a runner. I was NEVER a jogger.... until... until.... My kids started riding bikes. My oldest is off training wheels and is very good at riding. In fact, next year she will need a bigger bike. My 2 younger ones are on training wheels... but they are so good, that I can't keep up with them just by walking briskly.
So, the other day, I ended up having to the do the Jog, trot, speed walk, thing with some slip on shoes that my Mom had given me.
While in the Sports Authority looking for sneakers for my sister I chanced upon a pair of New Balance that were on sale... I tried them on... they were light... they were comfortable... I bought them.
I can't remember the last time I bought a pair of sneakers. Honestly. Probably about 20 years ago... I usually buy cute black shoes.
I looked at the calendar and I have to wonder... Where has the summer gone? It seems almost surreal that the summer will be over in 4 weeks. The kids will go back to school. My 5 year old will start kindergarten and my 4 year old will be in preschool... alone.
Pretty scary stuff.
All in All... it's been a great summer.
I hope you guys can all say the same.
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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