Ok, new look to the blog, new picture of rosie... not really a new me... but I did manage to sleep.... ARE YOU SITTING DOWN...
Because you are about to get really really jealous.
I slept from 8:15pm last night to 6:00 this morning... Hmmmmm let me count those hours up for you! That's almost 10 hours!
I feel great!
I think that is exactly what I needed. I think I was a little stressed out .. hhhmmm, maybe not stressed, I was a little intimidated by the company where I was performing training, it's always interesting to sit in a conference room with successful people, the really successful people usually treat you (the trainer) like the expert you are and they are respectful, and some underlings spend a lot of time trying to show you up. They ask you obscure questions that no one else in the room really cares about, but they want to show how much they know...
The four things that I know, and it has been proven to me again and again:
#1) I am the expert and although I don't know everything, I know a lot more than the end-user and even advanced end-users (since they are advanced with the things that they do every day, but don't generally know alot of about everything - like I do)
#2) You can't take it personally when people fall asleep during the training. (not everyone is a geek that gets excited about software and no matter how many jokes I crack, they would rather be sleeping)
#3) Every office is the same, some are just cleaner, quieter, more modern, and secure... but every office has the flirt, the jerk, the old lady and the guy with the pencil protector.
#4) The people in the training (unless it is ongoing for several weeks) have not seen my 3 really nice training outfits. So I wear them proudly and confidently and will worry about the 4th day of training when that time comes.
Today you will notice that the blog looks different. I thought it would be nice to change it around, since I was going to use a new picture of Rosie. Isn't she a cutie-pie. (you will notice the tazer on her collar. the battery is dead again, so I took it off... but I'll be putting it back on.. however she hasn't jumped the fence in weeks!)
My mom is in town helping out my sis and mikey 4 fingers, so the kids are excited about seeing her.
My brother is in town, I haven't seen him but there was a fresh pot of coffee and I think the front door was open, which I don't recall leaving open last night ... although as I stated before, I was in bed by 8:10pm. NNNIIIICCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The Sun is Shining.... the temperature is almost perfect, it's 55 now... and I think it's only going up to 73 today... TODAY my friends... is going to be THE PERFECT DAY. An early morning sweater -> afternoon t-shirt -> evening sweater day. (for you more rugged types you can substitute sweatshirt with sweater..... or perhaps.... flannel)
And that is it.... I have slept the sleep of kings and I am ready for the rest of the week!
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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