I am about to... go off... please sit back and enjoy!
My ex-husband has been, of late, very generous. He has contributed $400.00 to the "need to get the back to school clothes fund" which you and I will agree is very generous. I didn't ask for that, but I appreciate it.
I asked for help with the YMCA membership. I asked for help with the swim lessons. Didn't get it... but got the great and very generous contribution towards new clothes and backpacks and things.
I just got off the phone with him. I found and booked violin lessons and piano lessons for my 2 oldest.
I told him last week that I found lessons, and that they would be about $70 a week (for 2 kids) he said no problem.
I booked the lessons, I told him today that they start Thursday... he was less than enthusiastic... but get this. He has asked to take them to the lesson. RIGHT... he just wants to make sure I'm not pulling his leg and milking him for money! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
He says he gets off work at 3:30. I said, OK, You have to be here no later than 4:30 or you will have to meet us at the place, because I have to be there by 4:45 to fill out the paperwork and pay for the first month.
We shall see.... but here's the thing that's getting me... (Here's where I'm going to start to rant and rave)
What is up with the... Here's what I want to give you... which has absolutely nothing to do with what you asked me for.
What is wrong with actually listening to people?
When... when did people STOP listening and START thinking that just because they want to give something... or just because they want to do something... that the rest of the planet should be thankful that they got it... EVEN if it wasn't what we asked for.
Like I said. Thanks. Now can we talk about what I actually wanted!?!
If you want to take the kids someplace... why don't you EVER offer to take them to the Dr. when they are due for shots?
Or the allergist when they have to sit there with the pricks bubbling up on their ichy little backs?
or the dentist (I won't go into that)
I'm supposed to be thankful that you will leave work on time and take your kids to music lessons!?!
(deep breath)
I am soooooo tired of people just doing what they want to do and acting like I should be thankful.
HERE'S THE NEWS FLASH. If you want to help me. If you want me to appreciate your help... really appreciate it... Why don't you ask me if there is anything you can do? or better yet... when
you ask me if there is anything you can do for me... why don't you actually do what I want? Instead of what you want... when you want.
and if you can't.
Then don't ask.
I'll either do or I won't do it... but atleast I won't keep expecting it.
Ahhhh I feel much better now.
Thanks for listening
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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