I don't have that many bills... but the ones have have... are persistant! HA HA HA HA HA HA
I'm not sure what has happened, but suddenly my electric bill is $300.00/month. OK, maybe I just haven't opened that bill in a while. I'm working on the ... open them when I can pay them method. Which happens to occur about once a month. So, when I checked last months electric bill, it atleast was in the 2's.... this month was in the 3's!
Anyway, no biggy, fortunately, I had the funds.
Here's the BIG NEWS...
Among the things that I had to open and read.... was a letter from an attorney... it appears that Slagboy has filed bankruptcy. We all knew it was coming.
The bankruptcy was filed in April. I wonder how that works. I wonder how he is going to keep his house and continue to collect the mortgage AND file bankrupty... Well, I guess it doesn't matter.
it certainly isn't a shock. For all of you who don't know... "domestic support" is not supposed to be affected AND FORTUNATELY, I had already gotten the support filed with the court in march... so the good news is ... it shouldn't really affect me... and the PLUS side is that he will be less stressed and may actually have some cash for the kids incidentals. He has already generously given me $400.00 for new school clothes... You know I was wondering, how he had the money. I just couldn't imagine... how he always had cash.
So... this may work out in our best interests!
That's all the news for now!
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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