I just can't put my finger on why... but I'm in a foul mood.
Don't even talk to me.
I am a Ornery, Malcontent, Indignant, Derisive, Impatient, Sarcastic... and Humorless individual.
No, it's not that time of the month... No, I don't have a hang over... I'm not really sure why I'm in a bad mood... but I gotta tell you.... I am in a bad mood.
I am in a yell-irrationally-at-the-public-service-dude-that-walks-in-your-yard-to-check-the-meter mood. that sucks.
Since I'm in a bad mood...
I have put together the top ten things I dislike: (Hate is such a strong word)
1. Email messages that have been forwarded 500 times. I don't care what the content... whether it is political propaganda or a "good luck" wish. Hate em
2. Phone calls from computers that hang up as soon as I answer the phone
3. Rude people (funny, but yup. can't stand them... they ruin a full moment in my life)
4. Stupid people (I don't mean IQ stupid, I mean people that believe that target is a french owned company because they received an email saying so, or people that complain about the government but don't vote in any election)
5. People who get mad because I disagree
6. Companies that manufacture children's toys using lead based paint. duh
7. People asking me to contribute money to the election campaign for any candidate (please, I mean please, do I look like I have any spare cash? While we're at it, where'd McCain and Obama get the cash to remodel their air planes?)
8. umbrellas. You read right, I hate umbrellas. I have yet to purchase an umbrella that has lasted through more than 3 rain storms. From the Dora umbrella to the Full size BIG BLUE, either one of the spokes breaks, or tears through it's little holder, or the thing gets bent, or the mechanism doesn't open or close... pieces of crap that never work when you need them. AND even if the umbrella were miraculously working, it's only good for one person, then 4 people with their own umbrellas can't walk abreast... and you need one hand to hold the umbrella so you really can't carry anything else. Umbrellas are a terrible solution to keeping dry on a rainy day! We need some kind of big bubble we can step into and walk out to the car in then pop when we get in the car. (I think this is what they call a psychotic break)
9. Every single person parked or attempting to park in the Kohls parking lot ('nuf said)
10. People who have nothing better to do than complain. (current company excluded)
Well, I feel much better now.
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
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