NOTHING will end a love affair with a software package quicker then that application "Doin you wrong." And Office 2007 - the whole kit and kaboodle- done done me wrong friends.
One day I'm loving life, foot loose and fancy free.... Training clients on the new Office 2007 features, my excitement barely concealed as I display Outlook, Word, Excel and Powerpoint on the big screen... Mousing over the Fluent User Interface (the ribbon) activating the Contextual Tabs, warning against common pitfalls and chiding users for not taking advantage of some of the features from previous versions.
and then
and then
it happened
my .docx imploded
I'm not sure how, but I left for work with 5 perfectly good documents saved to my harddrive, and returned that evening to find 4 of 5 corrupt and unopenable.
OH yes friends, I used the "open and repair" function... which caused me pause as it is so conveniently located on the "open" drop down in the Open Dialog box. (almost as if they knew that you would be needing this feature... and needing it often)
OH yes friends, I attempted to convert the file from .docx to .doc using an online conversion provider... sob..... it didn't work, I got a blank page
OH OH OH Friends... it is sad sad sad.... especially since the documents that I can not open.................................. are ........................................ the training handouts I use for the office 2007 training sessions that I am currently running.
Oh woe is me.... to be lulled into a false sense of security by this vagabond software, this willy nilly corrupting set of productivity applications.... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will NOT go quietly into the night!
So..... sniff sniff........ first I'm going to recreate the training material.... sob... hiccup ... then I will write Bill Gates. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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9 years ago
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