Remarkably, slag boy called me 6:30am to tell me he is sick and won't be making it visit the kids today. Interesting how he called at 6:30am... makes me think that perhaps he was just getting in...
Equally as interesting how he offered to see the kids tomorrow... hhmmmmmmm isn't tomorrow a big football day? I bet you money, he either comes at the crack of dawn... or his "sickness" carries over. Equally as interesting how he owes his check this weekend... and I will probably not see him ... or it...
Oh side note, last week, when he paid me the check that was due the week before and I reminded him that he owes me a check this week. He tried to give me some malarky about how he is paying me a week ahead and blah blah. You would have been so proud. I said, "What ever, you owe me a check next week" and I walked away.
He tries to play little games like putting First 2 weeks, and Last 2 weeks on his checks... as if that is going to make a difference. Once I tried to explain how some months have 5 weeks... and he was trying to argue with me about that! HA HA HA HA HA HA Now, I just let it go!
I advised my attorney to proceed with the order, if I have to pay for another day in court, I'm going to request that he pay the fees... we'll see.
ANYWAY... back to the happy stuff that I have no control over, but feel like I might have some control over eventually!
My kids are all on the mend. 1 of 3, is back to her normal self... winter cough, but no ear infection or stomach virus ----Fingers crossed for 2 of 3, she hasn't had anything except her usual chronic case of "the whines" --- 3 of 3, is on Amoxacillin for her ear infection, she breezed through the stomach virus with only 1 sleepless and uncomfortable night and no after math. ---cross your fingers for me... I didn't get whatever they got!
I just finished up placing my order with Shop-rite home shopping. That's right! I just ordered my weekly $150.00 in groceries, and for a mere $10.00 service fee, they will pull it all for me, and bring it out to my car, where I will hand over my $150.00, and drive away! Neato eh? I'm not lazy, but it saves me a TON of time... PLUS, I can shop directly from their flyer... which means I can buy the stuff on sale... For instance, this week yoplait yogarts are only $.69 ea. That's great! My kids go through yogurt like no tomorrow! Same with the drinkables and the squeeze yogurt.
I am taking the kids to a new walmart (not brand new, just built) but new to us... as in we have never been there... and I am going to pick up TurboTax with my walmart gift card. It's only $32.00 for the software and I'll see how it does... I'm also going to look for new cushions for my porch furniture (the current cushions are deteriorating... and as a result I have cushion stuffing all over the porch)
I'm going to clean out my car, get rid of the debri that has accumulated over the last 2 weeks since the last time I cleaned out my car
I'm going to clean my house
Fold Laundry?
It'll be tomorrow... and we can all relax........
And that is how I propose to spend my day. In reality, I will probably get the groceries, go to walmart... then take the kids to a park or playground, then come back home make and early dinner and we will all watch a movie then be in bed by 7:30pm.....
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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