From Puke-a-paloosa --
yesterday was just FANTASTIC... if you like sitting on the futon, holding your 7 year olds hair back while she vomits ALL DAY LONG!
That's right.
The other kids were pretty good considering. We colored a little, made some treats, but mostly watched movies... considering..
Today... MUCH better. She is keeping everything down... Her ear ache doesn't hurt. She can't hear out of that ear, her eyes are strangely blood shot and she is heading to the bathroom about as often as she was heading for the bucket yesterday.... but atleast, she is feeling better.
I am trying to get some work done .... I am also trying to stick to my weight watchers points.
---Hey there, I took a little break. Had to make some phone calls... and Me and Dexter just cleaned the kitchen, he vacuumed and I mopped.
He's vacuuming the hallway as I finish up this entry---
As I was saying about the weight watchers. I was very very very NOT on track yesterday. However I put everything into my tracker, and although I was over... it wasn't too bad. Today, I started with my weight watchers breakfast, and it's 11:42... I'm ready for my weight watchers ravioli lunch... but I'm home today...
The Dr. office just called and requested an appt. at 2:30 today... that's great! It'll give me a good couple of hours to get in the shower... because believe you and me... after the day I had yesterday... I need a shower!
Have a great one!
Enjoy MLK jr. B-day!
Summer is right around the corner!
I can even smell SPRING IN THE AIR... ok, maybe that's the bounce fabric softener....
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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