Did anyone see the movie or read the book? iRobot.
GREAT BOOK! Isaac Asimov, right? I used to read Isaac Asimov's books all the time when I was younger. He and Ray Bradbury were my favorite authors. I think maybe I liked a couple more.... hhhmmmm like Ursula leGuin or Robert Heinlein... Anyway, I was really into science fiction. I LOVED the possibilities... That was back when I had a quiet place to read. to contemplate. Now, I like the crime, detective, mystery, love... James Patterson, Patricia Cromwell... and a random Janet Evanovich... because I don't have a quiet time to read or think.. so I just want to be entertained. Ahhhhh once again, I have gotten off the track.
Did you know that is a family trait? I recently found that out. Not only is starting a conversation about something and moving off the topic to a completely different topic a family trait... but so is the "end of sentence mumble". Know what I'm talking about? The sentence starts out strong, then peters out to a low mumble... usually as we are walking away or involved in some unrelated task.
AT LEAST, we are not afflicted with the "Sentence out of no-where, because you were having the conversation with yourself in your brain" That is something my ex-husband did ALL THE TIME. At least with the "end of sentence mumble" you know you are missing something... You are leaning forward trying to catch the words before you realize that they are just a low rumble from the retreating back of the person that is talking.... the "sentence out of no-where" puts the brakes on everything. Picture this: You are cooking breakfast, you ask your family "Would anyone like more toast?" and the reply you get from your "then" husband is "No way, that house is going to sell" or something like that. You have to stop. Think. Did I miss something? And invariably you have to ask, "What are you talking about?"
Anyway.... Back to iRobot. (HA HA HA HA I just mistyped it as iBorat... which would be a robotic comedian who humiliates complete strangers) Oh, I crack myself up
Moving on.... back to the whole science fiction thing, and all the possibilities.... Yesterday I bought myself a birthday present and it was the iRobot Roomba Vacuum Cleaner. I LOVE IT. My home is ALL hardwood floors. I have a handful of throw rugs by the heavily travelled doors and (1) 8x 10 area rug in the living room. This little robotic cleaner is great! Yesterday it vacuumed the kitchen for me and most of the living room, before I had to charge it... and that was with the charge out of the box!
I let it charge over night and this morning it vacuumed the kitchen (again) the dining room, the hallway and then I had to turn it off, although it's not loud, it was starting to get to me. The constant hum.....
AND, having been a science fiction aficionado I am very careful to speak nicely to my little robot! Just in case.
In a split second of day dreaming, I picture... a Million little white disc's gliding down the streets of New Jersey forcing humans back in doors.... I picture Rally's with the little white discs watching "THE LITTLE TOASTER" on a big outdoor screen... rallying against the injustice of defunct and out of date appliances everywhere! RAHHHHH RAHHHHHH RAHHHHHHH
Just a quick note on the functioning of the Roomba... it's awesome. I haven't even read any of the instructions yet, I just push clean and away it goes. Yesterday when i got home, I turned it on an it vacuumed the room while I cleaned up and picked up the toys and clothes. It was like I was multi-tasking without having to do the multi-tasking. Technically, today is day two. I have had it running this morning as well, I LOVE IT
I had to close my bedroom door! HA HA HA HA it snuck in there and I heard it crunching on something, when I went to investigate, it had a shirt, a book and some bit of something.... (speaking very nicely to it) I chided it for going into my bedroom put it back in the hallway and shut my door! HA HA HA HA HA
Well, that's it for today.
My next installment will detail my new computer chair and my new Schwinn 202 recumbent exercise bike.
Have a great weekend!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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