with my Roomba iRobot vacuum cleaner!
Seriously, those of you, in the know.... know. I'm a barefoot chick. I may be able to count on 1 hand the number of times I have lifted a feather duster... and I may have a whole room in my house dedicated to the laundry I wash, but haven't folded.... but I'm a little freaky about having dirty floors.
Not run-around-screaming-until-they-get-the-straight-jacket-on freaky, just your run of the mill... usually run the vacuum once a day kind of freak.
Mostly because, like I said, I'm a barefoot chick. And I can't stand walking barefoot inside and having to wipe my feet on the inside of my pant leg to get the crap off....
So, My little robot (whom the kids have named Dexter) is awesome. I got the deluxe model which came with 2 virtual walls. These are just little boxes that I put in doorways and turn on and Dexter won't cross the path.
Right now he is charging... then I am going to start him up on doing the house... and that's all she wrote. I just walk away.
Today I signed up for weight watchers.... I got the unlimited monthly pass... And I am working on a website www.njbigloser.com because... someone in my circle of friends... is goign to get a deluxe pedicure.... that's right. We have a little healthy (no pun intended) competition and have vowed that the biggest loser would win the deluxe pedicure.
I tried to build a website with journaling... but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. In all of my free time, I'll have to figure it out. Usually I look at the problem and do some google research and think about it and think about it... then Viola' it comes to me. I get it to work.
I also really want to take another look at www.kickapps.com to "pimp my blog" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Have you seen that blog tool? it's like Youtube gone crazy!
Let's see....
I am getting ready to launch a major .... ebay bonanza! I have about 7 large black hefty bags full of clothing. My New New Years resolution (in addition to the 20-30 pounds by the summer) is to get the upstairs cleaned up. That means, that I will need to get rid of some junk.
I also have a ton of books... I might open an ebay store for the spring. I was pretty successful at selling books. I enjoyed selling books... they were cheap to ship, they were fun to procure... I think I might start doing something like that on the side again.
So, if you have any children books in good condition that you don't want... let me know! :)
OK... have a great day! Talk to you all soon
Just remember..... Summer is right around the corner!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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