Please read the following link:;_ylt=Ali3yPLjPIxFuyTZAzqoPar9xg8F
It's a yahoo news story about how a maldivian boy scout saved the president of maldives.
This blog entry is dedicated to my lack of education. I read this article and was struck... not once... not twice... but a minimum of THREE TIMES but the strangeness of this world... they are calling maldives.
FIRST, apparently, the capital of maldives is Male. Perhaps, it is pronounces, Ma-le' or MAHHHLEY... who knows... my puny little brain looks at Male... and I think. Male.
Further, the would-be asassin hid a knife in the Maldivian flag...
Here's how good the body guards are....
First, the asassin lunges forward with a knife and his initial attempt is thwarted by a boy scout... however, he is able to lunge forward again and get close enough to rip the presidents shirt with his knife before he is caught by his "Body Guards".
Anyway, Here are the parts that I liked about the story... and taken out of context, it's going to sound even stranger!
President Maumoon Gayoom was unhurt, but his shirt was ripped as the attacker tried a second time to stab him before being overpowered by security guards, government spokesman Mohammed Shareef said.
"There was blood on the president's shirt, but it was not his but the boy's," Shareef said.
"His wound was stitched, but later he complained that he could not move some of his fingers," Shareef said, adding the youngster was flown to the Maldives' capital, Male, for treatment.
After the attack, Gayoom addressed the nation in a radio broadcast, thanking the teenager and calling for calm, according to the Web site of the Minivan newspaper.
That's where I had to stop reading. What is a minivan newspaper? Is that... a bonafide typo? or is Minivan another island in the enclave of Maldive
The New Maldives Movement, a new opposition coalition formed to challenge Gayoom's rule in upcoming elections, condemned the attempted assassination.
I think I'm going to Google the New Maldives Movement... wait. Maybe I will google Maldives first...
OK maldives:
The name "Maldives" derives from Maale Dhivehi Raajje ("The Island Kingdom [under the authority of] Malé")."[1] Some scholars believe that the name "Maldives" derives from the Sanskrit maladvipa, meaning "garland of islands", or from mahila dvipa, meaning "island of women", but these names are not found in ancient Sanskrit literature. Instead, classical Sanskrit texts mention the "Hundred Thousand Islands" (Lakshadweepa); a generic name which would include not only the Maldives, but also the Laccadives and the Chagos island groups. Some medieval Arab travellers such as Ibn Batuta called the islands "Mahal Dibiyat" from the Arabic word Mahal ("palace")"[2] . This is the name presently inscribed in the scroll of the Maldive state emblem.
I wouldn't have believed it... until I read it in Wiki-pedia.... but apparently, this is part of the group of islands where they discovered mixing mayonaise, ketchup and relish made dressing! (get it... thousand island dressing! OH... so droll)
So, it seems like they aren't sure if the name of the group of islands (or atolls... which I gather are the tops of coral that have started group plants and where people live) are either ... male or femanine... and they can't agree... strange. Funny, how that works with the oldest places in the universe... they are all about what is male or female... and the new countries.... hhhmmm.... let's say..... like.... the US, are mostly all about.... money.
Not so into the interpersonal thing... more into the ... purse thing.
So, I'm done with the maldive thing. I'm glad president Gayoom didn't get stabbed, if you read the article you will learn that the young lad was flown to Male to have his hand looked at after complainign about not being able to move his fingers, once they performed the stitches... I hope he gets better.
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9 years ago
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