Well... I did it. I got turbo tax and I prepared my returns and it's not as bad I thought. Well, of couse, that is until I get audited, but the software told me my chances were very low.
So, I filed my taxes and now I'm just waited for the money to be direct deposited... and I will be rolling in the dough.. until I pay some bills .. and then well... I won't be rolling, maybe splashing in some puddles... ok ok... maybe just have wet socks.
Doesn't matter.
I's 4:46 am, and the house is quiet... I have a nice cup of coffee... (a mere 2.5 weight watchers points) and I am going to get some work done...and earn my living. But first.... keeping everyone up to date...
This is Day 3 of ALL HEALTHY KIDS... my friend Bruce is happy, because he just moved into some new digs, and now we can come visit! That will be fun.
My "Paperwhites" are almost done blooming THANK GOD!
Let me tell you about Paperwhites. GORGEOUS.... but they stink. The first 3 days they were bloomed in my dining room, I looked around for the cause of the odor. I thought I left some food out that had gone bad, something. Turned out to be the fragrance.
I looked the flower up online to see if it was used in the ancient times to ward off evil or something but it just refers to the flower as "fragrant" well... they weren't lying. Here's the thing. My sister made me a LOVELY tabel center piece with some of the paperwhite bulbs and some stone (Yo see, you don't need to plant them in earth. She explained that all of the nutrients are in the bulb, so as long as they have somethign to hold them up like the little pebbles, andyou water them they grow and bloom)
So, I went online to confirm, and sure enough. You put the bulbs in pebbles or those glass floral beads and water them and put them in a cool closet for a week, when you take them out, the roots will have started and within a week or so the plant will shoot up to about 2 feet tall then bloom these gorgeous flowers.... Don't take my word for it. Here's a picture.
Anyway. After my sister made me the lovely centerpiece and the kids loved watching them grow I went to the local Agway and found that the bulbs were onsale for 50 cents a piece. Then I went to the Dollar store and got some plain coffee mugs and me and my oldest had a nice time putting some little gifts together for her teachers and some of my co-workers. HA HA HA HA HA
So, yesterday I walked into the office and I said, "What is that smell" -- The Paperwhites were in full regala and stinking up the joint. However, they were so lovely, no one wanted to chuck them... but they were really really really stinky! AND several people in the office prone to allergies.... "claim" to be suffering... but again, as miserable as people were... they didn't want to chuck them because they were so beautiful!
I think I might try something else this time around... perhaps something a little nicer on the nose.
Any suggestions.
Something that the kids and I can plant in a container that doesn't need a lot of care, that is pretty and smells nice.
(I know I won't be recieving an email from Mary... who is the ANTI-Green thumb) But I'd like to know. I love nice gaudy flowers... and am not above buying silk flowers and sticking them in a flower bed to fake out the neighbors... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Have a great day!
it's Wednesday! That means it's almost the weekend!
AND..... Spring is right around the corner!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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