aka Bushy Tailed Wood Rat
As a result, as part of my 12 step program I must go to 10 people and admit that I am a packrat... then....
I must list at least 11 items on ebay. (that's all 12 steps.... works for me)
And, so.... this years ebay extravaganza has commenced... last years was interrupted by... well, by my divorce, then having to buy a new house, then having to move to that house... and I assure you... NONE of the items that I will be selling came from the old house... This is all stuff that either.... A) people held for me until I was safely ensconced in the new digs or B) someone gave me to because .... I would take it.
Take for instance, the perfectly good unworn children's shoes I just listed. They are a size 1 1/2. Too small for my 7 year old. Too big for my 5 year old- but only too big by about a year. Soooooooo I took 'em. They are girls. right? Girls can never have too many shoes, or barrettes.
Here's the other thing. There are so many great girls shoes out there... that I will probably buy her, her own new pair when she is that size, and these shoes won't get worn then either...
The shoes are going on ebay. I have a bunch of vinyl records from Oma's house (that's my grandmother) and I have NOT 1, NOT2, NOT even 3 or 4... but 7 hefty bags full of clothes that my girlfriend Joyce (let's call her... The Enabler) dropped off, from her girlfriend who has daughters. Again, the clothes too small for the oldest, about a year away from the younger ones.
So, this weekend slagboy didn't pick up the kids, that didn't leave me much time for putting everything into order, however I did buy shelves to organize my ebay items. (They are in boxes among the junk) AND, me and Dexter did clean up the kids room, but I didn't get the stuff listed I wanted too...
Here's my ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com/New-Jersey-Garage-Sale
Dexter is vacuuming up the living room as I am typing. The kids are watching a Hello Kitty video, we just got back from a little walk to the park. (There is a small park with a small newly renovated playground 2 blocks from my house) My oldest, just learned to ride her bicycle without training wheels. Something clicked. overnight, she went from, only training wheels to a real bike rider. I immediately launched into a day dream of Me finally getting to buy a bicycle because we could finally ride together... it was a short lived dream... because what are the other two going to do to keep up with us? huh? suggestions?
My 5 year old would probably be content to sit and ride in one of those little bike trailers... but the other one. The 4 year old.... unless I strapped her into a harness and let her power glide behind the bicycle.... I'm afraid I will look back at the little bike trailer to see hwo they are doing and find her walking towards me on the axle like a tight rope walker... ha ha ha ha haa
Did you notice, that I have increased the children's ages.... 1 half year.
They are all almost exactly 1/2 year older... it's time. I always loathed people that gave their childrens age in months, even though there was a year designation... For instance:
12 month old versus 1 year old... I can live with that... heck, you have been calling the kid (blank) month old for the last 12 months... BECAUSE he hadn't hit a year yet... but I'll let you have that one. BUT I can't fathom why anyone would refer to a child as a 24 month old RATHER than 2 year old, or worse yet.......36 months old? PEOPLE THAT'S A THREE YEAR OLD!
ok.... I'm game. I'm a 516 months old. (NO LIE... here's the excel Formula:
You just put your actual birth date in cell A1 and paste this formula in cell A2, and the result is howe many months between your birth date and today's date.
OK... I'm off to list more albums. I also have MANY Books... BOOKS ARE THE BEST. I love selling books. They are interesting, they are light, they ship cheaply and they are inexpensive!
I have a TON of books.
Have a great day. I'll try to keep you posted. OH YEAH, don't forget to also checkout www.njbigloser.com where me and a couple of friends are going to record our weight loss efforts... The WINNER of the NJ BIG LOSER competition will get a free deluxe pedicure at the Kearny joint where my friend Mar took me. IT WAS AWESOME.
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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