Wednesday, July 30, 2008
~Breaking News~ Doctor Wants to Test for Mono
We all went to the Dr. yesterday and he checked out my oldest who by the time he saw her she was back up to 101.8 fever (after acting fine all day... hmmmmmm) my middle princess then started complaining about a soar throat and tummy ache and the nurse took her temp.... it was 99.8
At first the Dr. thought my darling oldest had the FLU. Then he said, she might have MONO and said I would need to bring her in the following day for a blood test. YUP. A shot.
This didn't go over well. Although I'm proud of my daughter for not breaking down right then and there and balling her eyes out... She talked about the shots she's had in the past and wanted me to rate a blood test on the scale of shot pain based on her experiences... (this is a kid that has had I.V's and other things) So... I think she will be ok... PLUS... I went to the grocery store yesterday and pick up some special nail polish just for her... she will love that. AND it's enough to get her over the 3 second stress of the shot!
Well... She just woke up. No fever. However she is complaining about swallowing - yesterday her glands were swollen (that's one of the reasons the Dr. thinks mono) so I got her some organic tea called "Throat Coat" it's for kids and she like it. It helps to temporarily make her throat feel better.
All that....and I got to tell you. Life is good. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The neighbors dog is barking. Verizon hasn't shut off my internet... and I have you people.
Ever willing to read what I write!
Thank you :)
And because of your willingness to read... and believe.... I present you with someone elses article on Mono.... The kissing disease... The very last paragraph holds a scary and little known (well atleast I didn't know... and as a result, I consider it little known) fact about the transmission of this disease.
What is infectious mononucleosis ("mono")?
Infectious mononucleosis, "mono," "kissing disease," and glandular fever are all terms popularly used for the very common illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV is a member of the herpesvirus family. Symptoms of infection with EBV include fever, malaise, and sore throat. The designation "mononucleosis" refers to an increase in a special type of white blood cells (lymphocytes) in the bloodstream relative to the other blood components as a result of the EBV infection.
What is the cause of mono?
The EBV that causes mono is found throughout the world. By the time most people reach adulthood, an antibody against EBV can be detected in their blood. In the U.S., up to 95% of adults 35-40 years of age have antibodies directed against EBV. This means that most people, sometime in their lives, have been infected with EBV. The body's immune system produces antibodies to attack and help destroy invading viruses and bacteria. These specific antibodies can be detected in the blood of people who have been infected.
While there are other illnesses falling under the broad classification of mononucleosis that cause similar symptoms and an increase in blood lymphocytes, the form caused by the EBV is by far the most common.
What are the risk factors for mono?
The EBV can infect any person. As previously discussed, the majority of people have become infected with the virus by the time that they reach adulthood. Mono is most often diagnosed in adolescents and young adults, with a peak incidence at ages 15-17. However, it is also seen in children. Generally, the illness is less severe in young children and may mimic the symptoms of other common childhood illnesses, which may explain why it is less commonly diagnosed or recognized in this younger age group.
How is mono spread?
Mono is usually spread by person-to-person contact. Saliva is the primary method of transmitting mono. Infectious mononucleosis developed its common name of "kissing disease" from this prevalent form of transmission among teenagers. A person with mono can also pass the disease by coughing or sneezing, causing small droplets of infected saliva and/or mucus to be suspended in the air which can be inhaled by others. Sharing food or beverages from the same container or utensil can also transfer the virus from one person to another since contact with infected saliva may result.
Most people have been exposed to the virus as children, and as a result of the exposure, they have developed immunity to the virus. It is of note that most people who are exposed to the EBV don't ever develop mononucleosis. The incubation period for mono, meaning the time from the initial viral infection until the appearance of symptoms, is between four and six weeks. During an infection, a person is likely able to transmit the virus to others for at least a few weeks.
Research has shown that, depending on the method used to detect the virus, anywhere from 20% to 80% of people who have had mononucleosis and have recovered, will continue to secrete the EBV in their saliva for years due to periodic "reactivations" of the viral infection. Since healthy people without symptoms also secrete the virus during reactivation episodes throughout their lifetime, isolation of people infected with EBV is not necessary. It is currently believed that these healthy people, who nevertheless secrete EBV particles, are the primary reservoir for transmission of EBV among humans
DID YOU READ THAT PART? yup. healthy people secrete EBV particles and are the primary reservoir for transmission...
You learn something new every day!
Have a great one!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Allergic to...gluten-free?
Well, friends, family and people I've never met but care about none the less....
I returned home from work today to a nice quiet house. All the kids were sleeping.
Not so surprising about the 4 year old...
not too surprising for the 5 year old...
pretty amazing for the 7 year old... especially since they didn't go to swim lessons.
It was a mystery.... but not for long
She woke up.... She came and found me and explained that she took a nap because her wrist hurt... and when I touched her wrist it was BURNING UP. I touched her forehead, and the poor child was a furnace. So.... I got out my thermometer (which I had thankfully purchased to replace the one I can't for the life of me find) and sure enough, her ear registered 102.8 (which if I know my ear thermometers, it might actually be higher)
She opted for the tylenol liquid. I gave her 3 tsp (she is after all over 100 pounds)
And it's now 30 minutes later.
I only got her down to 102 so far.
I'm not going to panic, it's only 6:00 pm.
I called the Doctor.
She claims she is breathing ok... but is only registering 75 on her peak/flow meter. She said she is too tired to take a deep breath.
... OK..... big break in writing this entry... so here's the update, It's now after 8:00pm
The Dr. returned my call, I gave her another 4 tsp of motrin. and now... 1 hour later I finally got her down to 99 degrees! YIPPPEEEEE
So.... now the next shocker........ I'm sitting down for a nice meal with my kids and over dinner
my 7 year old and 5 year old are giggling and telling me about the babysitters son and his friends. Who came over for a visit today.
... and they had a great time...
... and they all played outside...
...and they all went over to the playground a couple of blocks away...
and one of the 13 year old boys was asking...
are you sitting down
.... asking my 5 year old on a date and blowing her kisses....
OH yeah, so I'm trying not to freak out and pump them for information without letting them know that I was mad. Then I segued into a discussion about appropriate conversations, and language and touching. And as best as I can tell, (an my 7 year old is pretty reliable) the son of the sitter was fine, he was there with 2 of his friends and they were acting "silly"
let me tell you.
My kids act silly
They pretend to marry people
They pretend to be different people
They pretend all kinds of things
My babysitters boys are 13 years old -- Big difference
So, I called her.
First I called her to tell her I didn't think I would be going to work the following day because my daughter had 102.8 fever. AND, I said, "so and so mentioned that your son and his friends were over today" - she confirmed and asked if it was a problem - (she actually corrected me I said they were over, she said they stopped over)
I said, "That's not a problem except that (insert name) said that one of his friends was asking her out on a date and making a kissy face at her"
She said, "Yeah, they were just playing around"
So, without boring you with the whole conversation, I explained that I understand that it's playing around and if they were all even remotely around the same age maybe it wouldn't e a problem, I don't know... but it is a problem since only one of my kids is even in elementary school yet!
I said I don't think it's appropriate. She went on to tell me about some kindergarten kids that were hugging and "dating" blah balh balh...
I said look, the big problme is that your kids are 13 years old, and mine are all under 7. It's just not appropriate.
So, that's what I told her. She said she would "speak to him". Fine. I'm also going to speak to her. I don't mind if her son comes over, I do mind if he comes over with 2 of his friends... especially if one of them thinks it's funny to ask my 5 year old out on dates.
right? Am I wrong?
What do you think?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Slept until........ 7:20am
AND I didn't get up until the astounding lateness that is 7:20am
Honestly, I don't like it. The sun is already up, I feel like 1/2 the day is gone...
OK. Let's see..... 2 kids are up, my oldest is definitely fighting something, she has her cough, which has gotten worse. The youngest, is up and sounds better and the middle one... still sleeping... thank goodness. She didn't get enough sleep yesterday and I'm afraid we all paid for that!
Today we are goign to Party City to get the stuff for the goody bags for the party tomorrow... and then off to the dollar store for some actually goody bags.. Then... OH YEAH, balloons and Pinata's.
Then I still have to go grocery shopping.
Monday. I'm going to try gluten free for 3 weeks. I'm just going to replace the products with Gluten:
· Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
· Flour or cereal products
· Vegetable protein
· Malt and malt flavorings
· Starches (unless specified as corn starch, which does not contain gluten)
· Various flavorings, which can be derived from cereals containing gluten
· Vegetable gum
· Emulsifiers, stabilizers derived from cereals containing gluten
with gluten free substitutes. In my world that boils down to ... bread, bagels, cold cereal, pre-prepared side dishes, frozen meals (like chicken nuggets and pizza)
Yup, the next 3 weeks are going to be great!
"WHY and I going to try gluten free?" You ask.
I'm want to see if it makes a difference to my oldest daughter... Who, as a toddler was always very heavy. She didn't spit up her milk of anything but she could puke at the drop of a hat. AND as a 7 year old, She frequently feels sick after eating, and a couple of other things that you don't necessarily want to hear about... but I gotta tell you, she is the gassiest kid on the planet.
AND SO... it's called an elimination diet. You eliminate something for 3 weeks and see if that helps. I think she could be tested for Gluten allergies...
SO... YES, a nutrionist would be a big help. Guess what... they aren't covered under insurance.
Anyway, I'll keep you posted.
Find A Credit Card or should I say Crdeitcard
I went to this website and although the page title was spelled correctly, the body text repeated the same misspelled word.
My guess is that this is a commonly misspelled word and as a result they will get a ton of hits because people will land on the site... but .org?
Anyway, like I said, I went to and found that they offer to "help" you find the best credit card offers. Currently there are two interesting offers... but I'm struggling with the typos! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Anyway, have a great dya
P.S.. I'm not even going to spell check this entry! (LAUGH!)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Big Day! FRIDAY 7/25/08 BOOK SALE DAY ~ yawn ~
This will have to be quick, as it is already 7:04am.... Yes I have showered, but only just recently so, as I didn't wake up until 6:45!
I know, I know, sleeping in.
I didn't sleep well last night and I am incredibly tired this morning... NOT because I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
it's probably the quick trip to the emergency room the kids and I did at 1:00am. It was very quick, start to finish, 1 hour. We were on out way home by 2:12.
Here's what happened. My oldest woke up around 1:00am crying and coughing and having problems breathing. I got out the nebulizer and gave her a breathing treatment, (and here's where I need to just calm down) I woke up the kids while she was doing her treatment and got them dressed and found their shoes. By the time I had them ready, she was done with her treatment and her breathing was much better, but she said that it still wasn't good.
So, off we went
This time. It was a TOTAL false alarm. By the time I got there, she was fine, but she kept telling me she wasn't. I could tell she wasn't wheezing, she wasn't coughing, her air intake was good... Sooooooooooo we didn't have to stay long and based on my request, they didn't administer prednizone.
AND, guess what, my allergist (whom I called at 1:00am on the way to the hospital) actually called me back before I even got in the hospital. She said to try to avoid the prednizone and that it didn't sound like asthma, but rather a virus affecting her upper airway.
This morning. Like I said, I wasn't up early.... AND I gotta get the books out there. My oldest just work up and requested her breathing treatment, she has the cough, which apparently is phlemmy and doesn't seem to be affecting her breathing in, but rather her breathing out...
And so... the saga continues.
My youngest just woke up (You'd think this kids would sleep until noon... ) hungry, so I have to go make breakfast! I'm way way way behind, I had hoped to be done with most of my stuff by now. (My middle child ... like the little mini-colkins she is... is still sound asleep)
Gotta go!
Have a great day!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Mayor Of Papscoe
My brother is the Mayor of Papscoe.
People walking by the house wave and say a cheery "hello!"... I wave back. If I happen to be close enough to the road and we actually strike up a conversation... 50 % of the people say they "spoke with my husband" (which always causes me pause for like a 1/2 second) then I correct them and inform them that he is my brother.
the other 50% have either already been informed by me that he is my brother or by him.
Last weekend my oldest had a lemonade stand.
The Mayor actually solicited customers by walking up to neighbors doing yard work... chatting and inviting them to spend a quarter on a glass of lemonade.
AND so.... without further adieu..... hence forth and hitherto... he will be referred to as.....THE MAYOR.
You know... it's not that I'm unfriendly... But I'm not the type to see a neighbor raking leaves and make a bee-line over to chat. I suppose that would be how the Mayor collected his wide variety of knowledge and know-how (sorry I had to say that ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
Anyway.... That's it for today.
Friday is the book sale
Sunday is the last in a series of children's birthday parties...
And the summer is almost over, I can't believe it!
OK... have a great day!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Another Day - Another 2 tablespoons of condensed fruit and vegetable juice
Since I have given up on the war for vegetables -- I have entered into vegetable stealth mode. under cover vegetables... you might say.
I just recently purchased a big bottle of ultra condensed fruit and vegetable juice, two tables spoons is supposed to equal 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.. I have been putting this stuff in EVERYTHING! Their fruits/ yogurt smoothies... their orange juice... you name it.... I've tainted it.
So far so good. The only complaints have been the darker color of the juices! bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa I am a parental master mind!
Alzheimer’s memory walk – become a team captain
The Alzheimer’s memory walks are a way for raising money for research. You an visit a great website at and get more information about walks already organized in your area OR…. You can read about how you can organize your own walk!
Right now, there is a call for TEAM CAPTAINS!
Check out the site. All you need is three people to start a team. AND then those three people will tell three people and so on and so on… and you will have a HUGE team in no time!
Help raise awareness of Alheimer's... check out their website today!
Alzheimer's Memory Walk

Monday, July 21, 2008
Book Sale - July 25
Actually, it's not just a garage sale... or I should say it's not even a garage sale, it's a ... You guessed it... a book sale.
Since I got MOST of the books from the library sale after the fact and they were Free... I'm selling the books incredibly low. 50 cents for hard cover and 25 cents for the paperbacks. (there are a few exceptions, but not many)
I just finished listed it on Craigs list.
I'll keep you posted.
OH, we went to a company party yesterday... and it was great. The kids had a great time, playing in the water and once again I was reminded how much of a FREAK I am. I just couldn't sit there comfortably and have a conversation... because I didn't want to take my eyes off the kids while they were in the water... and guess what, they were in the water the whole time! So, I'm standing next to people talking and not looking at them... it was too difficult for a conversation.
Am I the only one that is a freak about it? AND there was a life guard. They hired a life guard, but I still couldn't walk away. Maybe when they can swim better. The two youngest are really just starting to get it, and it's great! My oldest is doing very well, however she has NEVER swam where she can't touch the bottom. So... yup.... I'm a freak.
well, atleast they like the water, they will learn to swim and eventually I can walk away and just trust that they know what they are doing. or atleast trust the life guard... but right now... nope. just can't do it.
Oh, I hope you enjoy my little rosie montage.... AND for your information, either the batteries that came with the collar were cheap and have already gone dead... or ... when we were all sleeping she replaced the batteries in the collar with some that don't work. Because... those batteries are D E A D.
Doesn't matter, my little canine cutie.... I will be replacing thos batteries.... today.... bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Have a good one!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
You never asked for this one... but you got it!
I have put together a little walk around picture compilation... that will display all of the loveliness with non of the seedy weeds.
Biting the Moon by Martha Grimes - A Book Review
I wish I could tell you that I liked this book, but I found it very.... unsatisfying. So, I guess this is less of a review and more of a warning. If you want to read about the unbelievable travels of 2 under aged girls, one of which has amnesia and the other a pet coyote... then this may be the book for you.
The tale was initially revetting, and it held me until about 1/4 of the way through, then the characters started to become too fantastic, too dream like and unbelievable. Everything started working out perfectly, no glitches, no hesitation. Girls traveling with a gun saving abused animals along the cross country trip to find out where the amnesia ridden character came from...
The ending left me wondering if the author was saving something for a sequel, because I really didn't feel any closure.
There were many situations that I simply said, "OH yeah right"
I don't know if I didn't like that the main character never finished anything or that the author intended for me to feel uneasy throughout the whole book. It wasn't a suspenseful uneasy, it was a sad uneasy or impatient uneasy. By the end of the book, I was tired of being uneasy and waiting for some comfort or closure or final disaster.... instead it just kind of petered off.
Biting the Moon wasn't a terrible book, but I can't say that I enjoyed it. It took about 1 day to read, mostly because I seemed to be waiting for something to happen.... that never did.
Here's the excerpt from the back of the book: "She didn't know who she was -- or where she came from. But one morning she awoke in a strange bed-and-breakfast with a message that her "daddy" would soon return from Santa Fe. Fearing the worst, this nameless young woman disappeared into the wilderness. She christened herself Andi Oliver, from the initials on her backpack, and lived int he mountains -- utterly alone. Until she met mary Dark Hope, a girl who shared her loneliness and confusion. Together, they vowed to track down the one person who held the key to Andi's identity: The stranger who abducted her"
Friday, July 18, 2008
I got Slagged
He called this morning.
The conversation went a little like this:
Him: Yeah, do you still have that spreadsheet of the payments?
Me: Yes
Him: You have to fax it over to me
Me: ok
Him: that c*** has served me with a court order
Me: Ok....
Him: It says I owe $5000.00 and that I am delinquent
Me: I told her you didn't owe that much
Him: Well, tell her I am paid up in full and I'll pay you directly
Me: OK, give me the $1000 you owe and I'll tell her you are paid in full
Him: You know I don't care, they will put me in jail and I'll get fired and everyone loses
Me: She said she sent you several letters asking you to provide her with the detail for the payments you sent and you have ignored them all.
Him: F*** her! She's a C***! I'm going to blow up and they will put me in jail. You know how I am, I'm going to lose it.
Me: I'll fax you my spreadsheet, call me when you are by a fax machine
Him: I don't F****'ing care if I get arrested, then I lose my job. If I lose my job then you don't get sh*t.
Me: Hey, thanks for calling .... click.....
State employees..... PLEASE GIVE ME STRENGTH
Oh wait... I forgot to put in the reference where he told me that "I should stop trying to communicate with the foreigners" That was when he was telling me to just tell them he is paid in full and he will "take care of it"
His last cursing spasm occurred when I finally said, "Fine, just give me the 1K and I'll tell them you're paid"
Listen Folks.
I've told him not once, not twice... but I've been telling every week since May, what he owes. He isn't ponying it up. THANK GOD, this is in probation... and GUESS WHAT... you know why he can't provide them with the details of his payments?
Does anyone remember?
Any one?
Because he throws everything out! He rips up his bank statements, he rips up his credit card statements, he rips up his insurance statements... he destroys everything including his cancelled checks. He rips EVERYTHING up into little tiny pieces and throws it all out.
Remember ... Remember when he had his own construction business... he did the same with EVERYTHING....
All this before I had finished my first pot of coffee (oh, did I say pot... I meant... cough cough... incredibly large cup)
So... last night M Colkins came over with her incredibly cute ward. They hung... we drank some wine... my head, oh my aching head..... Then..... Slag boy, so early in the morning using language that ... well frankly, can only be appropriate in the prison where he works.
Maybe he was practicing his inmate speak. You know, getting ready to get arrested.
Well... Today, we are going to costco. the kids LOVE the taste testers. it's a nice big place they can get some exercise and stay out of the sun. My daughter still has the rash... which after further research she may have for up to 3 weeks... and apparently the sun and lake water seem to irritate it. So, we will be spending another day in the shade...
Have a great day!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
What... are the prerequisites for state employment?
And you know... I should have known....
For 2 YEARS you read about slag boy.... you marveled at his work ethic.... you wondered how New Jersey could survive if his mentality, work ethic and thought process were common among the state employed
Today.... I answer you
Just a quick little summary detail:
#1) got divorced
#2) moved out
#3) attempted to file to have money automatically taken from slaggy and send to me
#4) court wouldn't accept the request, needed consent order
#5) Took almost a year to get slaggy to sign consent order, in mean time I had to agree not to seek payment for the 2 weeks in june, I also had to over look that he wasn't going to contribute to child care
#6) order finally gets filed
#7) I get one payment
#8) he gets hurt on motorcycle and doesn't go to work for 3 weeks
#9) I get nothing for a month
#10) I call my "case worker" to find out #1) will I ever see that money, #2) how will I see it and when
(here's where it all goes down hill)
#11) Case worker can't handle the two questions and schedules a hearing
#12) I write her a letter, stating we don't need a hearing, I know what he owes, I need answers to the 2 questions on #10
#13) I get a letter, notifying me of a case hearing
#14) I write her another letter, thanking her for scheduling the hearing, notifying her that I can't attend and requesting that she cancel.
#15) She calls me today (I think it's because of the letter) .... NO..... it's because a Mr. Nelson called her and asked her to call me
This is the hysterical funny part... are you sitting down.
Mr. Nelson is ... Slag Boy (I don't need to change the name, because it's so far from being accurate no one would guess)
I say to her, Oh you mean. (blah blah)
she says, "Well it says here that a Mr. Nelson called, .... hhhmm... do you have a case number?"
I say: "sure . CS......."
She looks it up, "Oh, ok. we understand that he has made direct payments"
I say, "Yes, prior to the order being filed, he effectively brought himself up to date"
She says, "So, as of today he is up to date"
I say, "No, as of the date that the first remittance was deposited he is up to date, you have 2 letters from me, and 1 letter from my attorney"
She says, "I see a debit here for $3000.00, but that doesn't bring him up to date"
I said, "I don't know what to tell you, I can only tell you what was owed and what was paid"
She said, "I have sent him several letters and he isn't responding, this order goes back to June 2007.
I said, "Yes, but the original order was from June 2007, but wasn't filed until march 2008 and in between he made payments and eventually brought himself up to date by the time the order was filed in March 2008"
She said, "Well, I'll have to schedule a hearing"
I said, "What? you already scheduled a hearing that I can't make it to"
She said, "Oh yes, I see I have. Well someone will have to come. He'd better come since he's the one that owes the money"
She said, "if you talk to him let him know I need to speak to him."
Now.... friends.
Who is worse. Slagboy... or my caseworker.
I don't know where they got the $3000.00 debit. I have done EVERYTHING humanly possible besides actually going to her office and manually updating my account. I can't understand what else could POSSIBLY BE REQUIRED OF ME!
She doesn't give a crap about the three weeks payment that wasn't received from the employer, because she can't get past her own limitations.
So, I have supplied this woman with a full accounting, dates, amounts and running balance of the amount owed... in writing 2 times... on the phone 2 times... and still she insists on a "hearing"
So... here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
THIS MY FRIENDS... is my tax dollars at work... supposedly helping me!
Oh, I'm mad....
I'm about ready to write to the governor... oh yeah, he doesn't give a crap.
This calls for ....
This means....
I might have to .....
START A NEW BLOG.................... bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
So.... Here's the latest Poll
Name the Scary State Employee Blog
The Rash Returneth & Rosie Gets Tazered
I'm at a loss... it looks just like the rash she got when she reportedly had "fifths" disease... now I don't know.
Could it be the water? Well, none of the other kids are getting a rash. She doesn't have any known allergies... hhhmmmmm..... The rash seems to originally occur within the outline of her bathing suit. Then she scratches and it spreads up her neck and down her butt.
When she scratches it, it looks like poisen ivy
When it has the topical benadryl on it.. and it's not itchy it's tiny little bumps, some red, most not. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anyway, we will be going back to the Dr. today... that's 3 trips to the Dr. in 1 week. YIPPEEEEEEE
Now to Rosalita.... Rosie has been very well behaved. I think she has had a training collar on before... here's the thing. She is extremely well behaved with the collar on... as soon as the collar comes off. She knows it...She is her normal rambuncious self. So, with the collar on... I really haven't had much of an opportunity to try to keep her off the fence... until... the other day.
The other day, the neighbor kid (who has something wrong with him... he walks up to the fence and stares at her barking at him... It's like a show down... he won't budge until she stops barking and she won't stop barking because he is there... there is something about him that ROsie doens't like.. infact, when she hears the squeak of his razor scooter coming down the street, she goes to the screened in porch and starts barking like crazy. I mean HUNGRY FOR SOME NEIGHBORING CHILD crazy. It's hysterical. In fact, Rosie will seek this kid out and torture him. That's why he doenst' com in the yard... but I digress) So, the other day, the neighborhood kid was paying with his friends in front of the house.
Fortunately, the guy across the street just got a beagle puppy that the neighborhood kids have taken to torturing through the fence... (not really torture, just trying to pet the puppy through the chain link and the puppy starts to bark and try to climb the chain link, to get out and get the affection from the kids, you get the picture) Anyway, Rosie (not liking the kid next door) spots the neighbor kid and starts to bark
She lunges for the corner of the fence where she can actually sort of sneak through, if she really tried... and she was looking like she was really trying.
I called her
I pushed the tone
I zapped her.
The reaction was immediate. She immediately got down from the fence and came to me. She was not happy, infact, she looked like she would if she had stolen the thanksgiving dinner off the table... but the fact is, that she got down.
Since then, she hasn't gone to that corner and jumped up. However, I haven't had her outside while the kids are playing since or when her nemesis walks by with the owner. (that's right... Rosie the wonder dog has a memesis... Well... it's either a Nemesis or a Lover... 'cause although she goes crazy when most dogs walk by... this dog from day one, just drives her crazy. The several times she got over when he walked by all she did was sniff and check him out.. but her behavior behind the fence is FRANTIC... like... LET ME AT HIM... LET ME AT HIM... )
So, that's it. I'm hopeful that I won't EVER have to zap her again, I have been taking her for walks on the lease, but again... haven't run into any other dogs, so I haven't had to reprimand or "train" her at all...
Life is good
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Shots and Screaming Bloody Murder
Yesterday, my middle child had NOT 1, NOT 2, NOT EVEN 3, but 4 shots!
She was not a happy camper.
However today, she is wearing her little round band aids as a testament to her bravery...
(she seems to have forgotten the ordeal in all of it's virtuoso volume! When we were at the counter another family said, "oh you must have been the one we heard screaming!)
Yesterday.... oh yesterday ... was a very difficult day.
long story short.
the promised trip to friendly's did not come to pass... NOT becuase of the screaming in the Dr's office.. OH NO, that was one of the promises I made to get the last shot done...
OH NO, the friendly's ice cream trip was cancelled due to the mayhem that commenced once we got into the car. THANK GOODNESS I was driving. It was so bad, the yelling and crying and carrying on, that I put on the local radio which was belting out some AC/DC and cranked it up for 5 minutes until they finally got it that I wasn't listening.
Are you sitting down... it all started because I said, "NO" to the 2 dollar grab a webkin game in the Friendly's lobby. That's right friends... I'm a bad mommy. I said no.
Well. They all eventually calmed down and when we pulled into the driveway they realized that I wasn't kidding when I said we weren't going to go. Then they got all huffy again, because they were really good for the last 5 minutes of the trip. Tough nuggies.
I had a talk with them and explained that we would try for Friendly's again today and it all depended on how they behaved.
So far, so good.
Middle child wearing her bandaids like battle medals. Oldest and Youngest playing nicely.... aaaahhhhhhh serenity!
have a great day!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
According to the CDC
Anyway, let's see....
We got home from Maine on Sunday.
Kids started swim lessons Monday - small red bumps (I thought irratation from sand in water)
Tuesday - slight itchy of the red bumps
Wednesday - definitely a rash
Thursday - Dr. Appt confirmed ALL THREE have/had Fifths
So, technically speaking Monday was the start of Middle Child, By Thursday Youngest at least had something because the Dr. diagnosed her when he walked into the room and saw her face (which I just thought was sunburned) AND oldest had remnants of disease...
AGAIN, by the time the rash has appeared, the contagious part is over.
My Youngest never got a rash, however the Dr. swears her face had the red mask and it was more than just what I thought was sunburn. So.... that's that.
We are done, since it won't revisit us again! Hopefully!
BUT I gotta tell you, my middle child is suffering! this rash is ALL OVER her torso. AND new bumps come up every day! Poor kid.
OK. Gotta go get ready for work!
Have a great day
Seventh Day of Fifths
My oldest, got the itchy rash for 1 day, then it blossommed into something completely different... My youngest only got the "red mask" thing. Well... my middle child is riddled with little itchy bumps, they are spready to Full length and width of her torso. Had I known, I surely would have invested more heavily in benadryl. I have the benadryl spray, but she said that it stings... so, we are on our second tube of the stuff.
I wonder if I gave her an internal antihistamine, if that would stop the itching too... I'll ask the Dr. ... before the shot.
OK, gotta go
Have a great day!
SSSHHHHHhhhhhh She's going to get a shot
Only one.... (the will-be-5-years-old-in-2-weeks) child will be getting... vaccinations.
Fortunately, the kids are so used to going to the Dr. that "Am I getting a shot?" isn't a question usually asked. However, today...... TODAY..... one of them is definitely getting a shot.
Well.... I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Rosie's Leap of Freedom
She has escaped the white picket bonds of the yard.... yet again. This time with the collar on. I suppose it would help... If I turned it on when I put it on.
Today, Rosie and I are going for a walk.
On the lease, with the collar, and me.... prepared to use it. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Top 6 Urban Legends that have come through my emails
#2) Target is does not contribute to veterans and only provides grants to gay and lesbian causes: Both False - These were two separate emails, which ware really very entertaining and if they were true, would definitely be a reason to keep spreading the emails.
#3)There is a "Do Not Call" list for cell phones: False - Here's a link from the Federal Trade Commission, but the bottom line is... it's just not going to happen:
#4) Your purse may be carrying disease into your home or E Coli on your purse: TRUE Yup, sad to say, but leading experts actually say to use handi-wipes on the bottom of your purse once a day... or at minimum try to keep it off the table. Here's the link:
#5) Gas - I have received 2 emails periodically:
a) "Don't buy gas from these folks" Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Exxon and Mobile and you will be cutting off the funding for terrorists: FALSE
b) "Don't buy gas on may 15" - in the hopes of "sticking" it to the big gas companies. False:
#6) THE AVERAGE PERSON SWALLOWS 8 SPIDERS A YEAR WHILE SLEEPING: Well, not only is this my favorite, but I actually like to tell people it's 8 spiders a week. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be true, although the picture of someone snoring next to you, with 3 little furry spider legs clinging onto the corner of their lips as the arachnid samples the delicacies on the inner cheek is enough to make me sleep with the covers securely covering my mouth. Is that why Micheal Jackson wears that white surgical mask? To keep the spiders out...... or...... to keep them in? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Anyway, here's the low down of my all time favorite:
And of course, the whole reason I put together this list, is because I FINALLY got the Obama email. You know the one quoting (or misquoting) from a book he wrote. Usually I don't receive the good urban legend emails until they have been circulating for several years... since I received this one is such a timely fashion, it must be spreading like Wild Fire!
Anyway, I'm not sure who I'm supporting this year in the presidential election... But I do know, that if anything I received in an email with a FW: in the subject line... is probably not true. So I usually check it out on Snopes and Google. The amazing thing is that these emails keep getting passed around! I don't even watch the news... (I rely heavily on The Daily Show on comedy central for my news snippets) I don't listen to the radio... although I have been known to dip into Yahoo News (which by the way has informed me that one of the So you think you can dance Judges went "off")
In checking out the Barrack Obama email I found another one in Snopes that was HYSTERICAL! Apparently there is an email circulating with pictures of his family. And although the pictures are accurate... there is a subtitle to the picture, listing the names and in parenthesis a little (where are they now- comment) some are crack addicts, some are felons, some are Muslim extremists... it's really very very funny. Even funnier that people would actually believe it without even checking anywhere to see if it's true. Poor Poor Barrack.
So, me and Marvin Dimple were talking about this the other day. He was telling me how is gets emails all the time from really smart people, people who's opinion he respects, and they forward some of these urban legend emails with comments like, "Take a look at this, I think we all know what we need to do" or " This is really scary, makes you think" or something like that... and we both agreed that in the time it takes to actually add the comment... and add your group of friends to the "to" address field and click send... you could "google" or "snopes" the email subject line and 9 out of 10 times find out that the email is NOT TRUE.
M. Colkins, sends me emails asking if they are true... probably because she is sick and tired of me responding to her emails with the ... "actually, this email isn't really true..." ha ha ha ha ha
That's right. I'm the defender of the innocent email underdog!
I think I once tried to start an email campaign of misinformation, but it didn't work. Probably because I didn't use the old FW: ploy and I actually told my friends I was starting the Urban Legend... Probably, I should send it out with the title: I usually don't forward these, but this one is scary... right... then everyone would read it. Now, if I could just figure out how to embed a "donate" button to that email so that I can make some money! HA HA HA HA HA HA
Have a great day
P.S. If you receive an email from the Please click on the Donate Button, and give generously!
Fifths Disease
We went to the Dr's today, and we walked in and he says.... Oh she has Fifths Disease...
I said, oh no, that's not >>>>> that's >>>>> She's not sick. He said, Well, she has Fifth Disease .... too.
That's right, too.
I can't go into it. Here's some links into the their current hellish itching fest... AND I SWEAR.... I PROMISE.... If I contract this latest malaise.... well, I'm just not going to think about it.
OH.... In case you don't have time to check it all out... here's why I'm hoping I don't contract it... because although for the kids, this little virus will pass in several days and be a distant memory... for us adults..... "An adult who is not immune can be infected with parvovirus B19 and either have no symptoms or develop the typical rash of fifth disease, joint pain or swelling, or both. Usually, joints on both sides of the body are affected. The joints most frequently affected are the hands, wrists, and knees. The joint pain and swelling usually resolve in a week or two, but they may last several months. About 50% of adults, however, have been previously infected with parvovirus B19, have developed immunity to the virus, and cannot get fifth disease"
OH... lovely, as I sit and copy and paste... I hear my oldest... starting her tell tale cough. Time for the inhaler.
Have a great day!
I was perusing the commission opportunities and you will NEVER BELIEVE IT!
I have THE TOTAL GYM as one of the affiliates that has authorized me... do you know what that means?
Do you grasp the magnitude of this joyful opportunity?
I have already added him AS MY yahoo email signature!
You will see him and the girl on my blog.
OH CHUCK! The legend... the icon... if you doubt me... if you think that I am the only one... why else would he have been a judge in the movie "Dodgeball, A True Underdog Story" (which by the way is a true documentary) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Anyway, just had to tell you!
I love me some chuck
Up and Over
I have to implement the Train the Dog to Not Jump Over The Fence.
As you know, this has been the only mar on a seemingly fantastic dog family experience. We have implemented a series of small garden fences and sticks which inhibit Rosie's abilities to jump the fence at the corners. However, Yesterday... she jumped the fence right smack dab in the middle of the gate. sigh.
Once again, she wasn't aggressive, she just wanted to play. She didn't run after any little kids, she jumped to get to the dog. Whom she tried to engage in some rough housing.. it was a tall dog, and she actually ran under the dog and pushed her up... it was a sight to see... a sight that the dog owner who was minding her own business walking her dog on the lease... didn't care to see. Although she very nicely stayed in one place while I got the car (Rosie can always be suckered into getting into the car.
This is 3 times over the fence in as many weeks. NOT TOO GOOD.
Enter the Pet Safe.
I'm going to spend some time with her today, using the Pet Safe Collar, try to use just the toner and avoid having to zap her. If that doesn't work... I'm going to have to bit the bullet and hire someone to help me train her.
On to other things.
Ultra Top Secret blog updated.
My darling middle daughter has a rash... looks like the one that my oldest got in Maine... Interestingly enough, both occurred after swimming and both are actually only in the areas covered by the bathing suit. My deductive reasoning leads me to the "sand". In Maine I notified that the "afflicted" child had a lot of sand in her suit. The day before yesterday I noticed that the "afflicted" child had a lot of sand in her suit. The rash almost exactly matches the area covered by the bathing suit.
Solution, I'll just make sure they take a shower when they get home and make sure we wash their suits inside out before putting them back on... right? Well, we shall see.
Today the rash is pretty bad, so we will be doing things OTHER THAN swimming.
Rosie, send me an email, I'll send you the UTS Blog link
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ahhhhhhhh Wednesday Wednesday
Well, I'm very proud, my Dad was selling his O'Day Day Sailer, and I got him his asking price! It sold earlier then the end of the auction, but just barely. I'm getting ready to call my Dad to see if the guy has called him yet to make arrangements. It's always very exciting to sell the big things. The books are going slow...
So... The boat sold for $2050.00. pretty exciting. Of course, I don't get a cut, because it's family. He threw me some money, but it will go towards the costs to list it. It's the LEAST I can do!
That's about it. I will be updating the Ultra Top Secret Blog soon.... very very soon.... Bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
have a great day!
Pearl Vision WATCH OUT! Zenni Optical is new Source
The company says that the secret to the cheap prices is that they sell directly from the mfg to the customer... no middle man. I checked it out and the prices are EXTRAORDINARY! Here's the link, take a look .
So, I noticed that they have sunglasses, regular glasses, bi-focals and something called progressive. Anyway, it looks cool. I like this pair:
Anyway, it's just a little heads up. Check it out!
My Geeky Heart has been Swept off it's feet.
(I know, I know, sad... very sad....)
The New Blackberry .... Or should I call it by it's right name... The Crackberry.
I suppose, I start out like most would... with a cell phone. The cell phone is just the first step. I try to convince myself that I don't need the crackberry. I try to convince myself that I can't afford the crackberry... but as you know, it's not about affording... it's about want.
So, today I gave myself a little wake up call and I went to the verizon website and priced out my dream phone with my dream package... and (are you sitting down) my phone was a mere one time purchase price of $199.99 (which for a one time price isn't too shabby) AND it's red!
Then I saw that the "unlimited" plan was "only" $99.00 a month. (of course, that's the same amount I pay for Phone/Internet/TV... but wait... there's more.
Then I added on another $20.00 a month for 5000 messages, I'm not clear if that's email or text, but you know... it's better safe than sorry. AND it's only $20.00 extra a month
Then I added the $5.99/month for the TOTAL EQUIPMENT INSURANCE, because if I'm going to get the phone, I'm going to want to keep it and use it and it might get dropped or stolen... or something.
Then I added email and web for blackberry... for another $29.99... but then I remembered that I already selected the "unlimited plan" for $99.00 a month... Well I checked the $29.99 and made a mental note to find out what the "unlimited" included, if it didn't include internet and email.
Then I added VZ Navigator for $9.99 a month (which serves 2 purposes, #1) gps tracking for me #2) GPS tracking for the government if they should choose to find me... ha ha ha ha did you read my blog yesterday?)
So, let's see... almost done with my dream package.
Ah yes.... $3.00 a month for road side assistance. I just read up on it and it includes towing up to the first 10 miles and at $3.00 a month it's cheaper than AAA.
Now let's see the total
$167.97 a month hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm not quite there yet.
So, you know me. How could I possibly justify that expense... Hmmmmmmm Perhaps if I got a job that was directly related to my new blackberry? Perhaps if i became a Blackberry Expert? How can I become a Crackberry Expert without owning one... You see my dilmema? It's a vicious circle.
Perhaps I can market myself to Blackberry as the face of the new/old generation. Perhaps they will hire me to write reviews on their latest product from my perspective...
I LOVE THAT THING... sigh... OK OK, I'll get over it.
Anyway... Today is Wednesday, which is actually my Friday... because tomorrow and the next day I will be working from home in between swim lessons for the kids and walking the dog. Feel free to email or comment... as I am always looking ways to avoid what I'm supposed to be doing.
Have a great day!
Shout to Idaho & Rosie
M Colkins
B the King
And the Marples
Life is good
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
First day of Swim Lessons
My sister in law is watching the kids for the next 2 weeks, which is great, I might be able to catch up on some bills. That would be even greater! The kids started swim lessons yesterday and apparently... they LOVED THEM! They all have the pink of a day in the sun, and they all went directly to bed at 8:00, even the little one that had a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day.
Ah Yes... this is going to be an excellent summer. The kids couldn't get enough of the lake in Maine... and now they get to go every day (well, every day that doesn't rain)
I dont' know if I mentioned that while I was gone there were 2 fence incidents... Well, one fence incident while I was gone, and one gate-was-left-open incident when I returned. Both times Rosie returned without mishap... the "gate-was-left-open" incident was a bit of a while chase.
I left Rosie out into the yard, and she went around the corner, I waited giving her sufficient time to pee and whatever... and called her. She didn't come. I walked to the front and there... was the fence.... open. I walked out to the cross street in time to see her little butt boogying down the road, sniffing and licking, sniffing and licking... (I think she was just sticking out her tongue to get the taste of freedom!) Anyway, she made it up to the lake and I was afraid she would get hit by a car... so 1/2 the family ran after her, (which was really after, because by the time the troops were mustered, she was long gone) and I hopped into the Silver Bullet (Ford Windstar Mini-Van)
I got up to the Lake... I saw her... I saw her see 2 other dogs walking on leases... I saw her see me see her see the dogs... she made a decision. it was the right one.... she turned around.
I pulled over and she jumped right into the car.
That evening, I did some research... and .... I purchased the Petsafe Dog Training Collar. OH DON'T GROAN AT ME! First of all... Rosie is very smart and a great dog, and she would be the perfect dog if I didn't have to worry about her not coming when I called. I don't mind her barking, I just don't want her getting hurt booking!
So.... I did some research and this collar allows you to train with a warning sound as well as a slight shock... Did you know there is another straining collar that trains by spraying something in the dogs face... I suppose if you wanted to train your dog AND piss them off at the same time that's a good way to go! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Anyway, I am going to start using the collar on Thursday. I'm going to walk her in the morning that I am home and start there. Spend some time in the afternoon... when other dogs are walking by and get her to settle down... My dad used this method on his dogs and he said that using it consistently will bring results.
I had a dream last night.
I dreamed that I owned a Used Book Store called The Library (because all of the books on the shelves were old library books) and it was a coffee shop/internet cafe in a remote vacation area. I don't know exactly where my guess would be Maine or something, but there were a ton of people sitting around drinking coffee and either reading books in the comfy chairs or at the computers doing research or something.... and I was behind the counter blogging. ..... sigh.... the dream filled me with peace and serenity! HA HA HA HA HA HA
The only problem is that... if that dream took place in Maine, then that little snap show of serenity was only going to last abour 2 months... before the POUNDING COLD OVERCAST WEATHER DECENDS UPON THE STATE....
You see... I don't think an internet cafe will work in most places in New Jersey, because EVERYONE has internet, and most people commute so far to work, that they dont' have time to lounge around... and there isn't a HUGE tourist trade here... I might have to think outside the box... Virginia... Montana... Idaho.... what do you think? Any ideas... I have a good 20 years before retirement... I can start planning now! HA HA HA A HA HA HA HA
OK... gotta go!
Have a great day
More Soon
Sunday, July 6, 2008
2 more birthday's to go
The summer has officially commenced... you know it's summer when..........
1) you've made your first swim lesson payment
2) given the dog an oatmeal shampoo bath outside with the hose
3) scheduled 2 of 3 and 3 of 3 birthday parties!
OH... By the way, Tops Diner (quite possibly the best diner on the planet) has a website. It's I'm a shameless hussy when I promote things I dig... (not to be confused with digg --ok you are just as geeky as me if you got that one)
Anyway, M. Colkins (or should I say, private eye M Colkins) did a little recon today and went out of our comfort zone and cheated on Tops Diner at the Arena Diner in Lodi, NJ. Well. We were going to go to the Tri-boro Diner - and we were confident we would actually find it because we had Janie (her tom tom GPS unit) The three of us made it to teh tri-boro diner, but only 2 of us could see that the joint had burned down and was currently being reconstructed. So, we headed on down the road to the next diner... because let me tell you something about the great state of New Jersey.... We may not have Moose..... We may not have guys flying across state lines in a lawn chair elevated by balloons... but we have ourselves a diner in every town... and some towns have a diner in every corner.
Here's the beauty of a diner.
#1) it's inexpensive
#2) it's quick
#3) there is a huge variety
#4) breakfast 24 x 7
When I go with the kids, I can place my order as we are sitting down and before anyone gets antsy... it's served. And honestly we can get out of there - start to finish - 30 minutes! I LOVE a diner.
AND that is that...
There's more... but I have to hold off and enter it into the TOP SECRET ULTRA SPELL CHECKED AND HIDDEN blog.
Oh, My sista and brotha in law are here... gotta go!
Have a great day!
Viddiction vs. YouTube
It looks pretty cool, Their Moto: Dream, Create, Transmit! Is that me? or what. So I perused the site, and although I was more familiar wiht YouTube, I liked this site. For instance, I found a great link with some detail about the iPhone:
Well Well Well, at the risk of sounding like a commercial for this new video site... I have to say... There are a TON of contest! CASH PRIZE contests. OK OK I think that the gist is to drive traffic to your video and the video with the most popularity will actually win cash prizes. Sounds crazy right, but remember Remember? It's not crazy, I think it's a great idea....
Anyhoo, While my kids are with my ex-husband I am trying to get some adult time in... and have a date with ... Kill Bill 2 & 3! OH Yeah and I am particularlly fond of this new video site because... they have as many typos as my blog! HA HA HA HA HA HA H HA
Happy news
If you're interested in a sail boat, I'm selling my dad's sailboat on ebay. It's still in Maine, so you would have to either drive to Maine, or wait until the next trip someone makes down and they can bring it to NJ.
Check out the boat in my store:
There is only 4 days left! Better bid! HA HA HA HA HA HA
Now, we had a lovely lovely vacation. The kids swam every day, we didn't even get to the barn to see the horses, I couldn't get my kids out of the water. We did go to blueberry hill, but the deer flies were pretty bad, so we did't stay long. We went to the Maine State Aquarium where the kids got to pet a shark. We got to see some really cool things. It was a short vacation. Besides my daughter unexplained rash, and several large and itchy moschito bites, it was unmarred by tragedy... oh yeah, and we took the boat out to watch the fireworks! That was great.
My dad has a pontoon boat... so it was very comfortable, which was good because all three kids fell asleep on the way back to the dock.
So, now we are home. They slept well last night. They are ready to see their dad today. I'm ready for a little down time... (which may consist of visiting my friend M Colkins and hitting the best diner on the planet....Topp's Diner)
So... I was reading the latest breakingest news. There was a lot of depressing firework mishaps. That's a shame. However, I did run across this little tidbit that I found both amusing and filled with hope and dreams!
That's right people.... that's Iowa and Idaho! of course, if someone were to try that here... they would be arrested for obstructing the flight patterns of various commerical airlines... Well, maybe maybe not... Anyway, it was fun to read and interesting! Go Lawn Chair Balloon Guy!
I hope everyone had a nice safe fourth!
Have a great day and good upcoming week!
Friday, July 4, 2008
More Maine News and Wilderness Adventures
On the second day they discovered the Sunny Beds. She can't stay away from the fish. She's hysterical. She keeps saying "Awe they are so cute"... which belies her actual intent which it would seem is to stand in the middle of the bed to see if he fish will go after her.
She hasnt actually gotten to the middle of any of the beds, because I can tell by the look on her face when she does her "check" that she is up to mischief... Today I'm going to try to find some crawfish. I think the kids would get a kick out of them.
My middle daughter is having a great time in the water too... but differently. First, she won't take off her crocks, (I don't blame her) We swim in a shallow part of the lake and the bottom although sandy (long story about the sand) is still covered with decaying leaves and things. Anyway, she hops onto the Hydro-Slide a rigid plastic board meant to pull behind a boat, she just like to float around...
My 7 year old has fallen in love with snorkleing. She pulled up muscles and snails, grass and other things. They are havig a great time!
Me... I'm having a great time watching them!
Today is the 4th of July! I hope you and yours are celebrating and having a great time!
We will be returning home tomorrow at the crack of dawn! We all miss Rosie
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Maine Wilderness and the 10 hour car drive
Normally the drive to Maine to visit at my parents house is about 7 hours. Monday day, it was a 10 hour across 6 state lines. 10 hours, and it was still ok. The kids were GREAT! No whining, no fighting, nothing but nicely behaved children... thank goodness!
We left at 7:30am, which was an hour and a half later than my parents had wanted to leave... mostly because I woke up late (the birthday party was the day before) and well... we got hit by the morning rush hour traffic. So, that was a good hour and a half right there... then there was a truck accident that was being cleaned up, the truck contents were all dumped all over the side of the road, so the hazmat and other departments were cleaning it up. So, that was about 2 hours in traffic delays. Then of course.... there were the 5 potty stops, of between 10 to 15 minutes each.
So we are here. It is great. The kids are LOVING swimming in the lake. Yesterday was windy and they thought the waves were awesome... The are real fish. It was fun to watch. My oldest is having distinct allergic reaction to the cats.. We knew she was allergic, but yesterday morning she woke up with bumpy itchy welts all over her back and parts of her stomache and neck. Nothing that a little benadryl didn't take care of... however, last night she did complain about her asthma, so I've been thinking about leaving a little early..
Next year. I'm thinking about looking into possibly a local campground. I don't know how much it would cost to rent one of the cabins in town or something, but it would be great. We could come visit and also have the fun of camping in a cabin for a week! If you are reading this... maybe my sister and her family would like to do something like that. It might be fun! I'm up for anything, as long as they have electricity for my coffee pot... I'm good to go!
Well, I'd better finish up.. since I'm tying up the phone line with my dial up connection ( I know... can you imagine, I had to sign up for NetZero to get an internet connection... sigh...)
Anyway, life is good. The kids ar enjoying their vacation... we'll see how it goes next year!
Have a great day!