Well... It's been a while since any of the kids had to have a shot. THANK GOODNESS
Yesterday, my middle child had NOT 1, NOT 2, NOT EVEN 3, but 4 shots!
She was not a happy camper.
However today, she is wearing her little round band aids as a testament to her bravery...
(she seems to have forgotten the ordeal in all of it's virtuoso volume! When we were at the counter another family said, "oh you must have been the one we heard screaming!)
Yesterday.... oh yesterday ... was a very difficult day.
long story short.
the promised trip to friendly's did not come to pass... NOT becuase of the screaming in the Dr's office.. OH NO, that was one of the promises I made to get the last shot done...
OH NO, the friendly's ice cream trip was cancelled due to the mayhem that commenced once we got into the car. THANK GOODNESS I was driving. It was so bad, the yelling and crying and carrying on, that I put on the local radio which was belting out some AC/DC and cranked it up for 5 minutes until they finally got it that I wasn't listening.
Are you sitting down... it all started because I said, "NO" to the 2 dollar grab a webkin game in the Friendly's lobby. That's right friends... I'm a bad mommy. I said no.
Well. They all eventually calmed down and when we pulled into the driveway they realized that I wasn't kidding when I said we weren't going to go. Then they got all huffy again, because they were really good for the last 5 minutes of the trip. Tough nuggies.
I had a talk with them and explained that we would try for Friendly's again today and it all depended on how they behaved.
So far, so good.
Middle child wearing her bandaids like battle medals. Oldest and Youngest playing nicely.... aaaahhhhhhh serenity!
have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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