Normally the drive to Maine to visit at my parents house is about 7 hours. Monday day, it was a 10 hour across 6 state lines. 10 hours, and it was still ok. The kids were GREAT! No whining, no fighting, nothing but nicely behaved children... thank goodness!
We left at 7:30am, which was an hour and a half later than my parents had wanted to leave... mostly because I woke up late (the birthday party was the day before) and well... we got hit by the morning rush hour traffic. So, that was a good hour and a half right there... then there was a truck accident that was being cleaned up, the truck contents were all dumped all over the side of the road, so the hazmat and other departments were cleaning it up. So, that was about 2 hours in traffic delays. Then of course.... there were the 5 potty stops, of between 10 to 15 minutes each.
So we are here. It is great. The kids are LOVING swimming in the lake. Yesterday was windy and they thought the waves were awesome... The are real fish. It was fun to watch. My oldest is having distinct allergic reaction to the cats.. We knew she was allergic, but yesterday morning she woke up with bumpy itchy welts all over her back and parts of her stomache and neck. Nothing that a little benadryl didn't take care of... however, last night she did complain about her asthma, so I've been thinking about leaving a little early..
Next year. I'm thinking about looking into possibly a local campground. I don't know how much it would cost to rent one of the cabins in town or something, but it would be great. We could come visit and also have the fun of camping in a cabin for a week! If you are reading this... maybe my sister and her family would like to do something like that. It might be fun! I'm up for anything, as long as they have electricity for my coffee pot... I'm good to go!
Well, I'd better finish up.. since I'm tying up the phone line with my dial up connection ( I know... can you imagine, I had to sign up for NetZero to get an internet connection... sigh...)
Anyway, life is good. The kids ar enjoying their vacation... we'll see how it goes next year!
Have a great day!
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9 years ago
Did you know they make coffee pots where you don't need electricity? You can make coffee right on your campfire. That is how coffee is made in Idaho.
Ive never considered myself a tenderfoot, and I'm admittedly not Laura Ingals... HA HA HA by Idaho Standards I might just be considered... "city folk", although like I said, I never considered myself that way... mostly because My Friend M COlkins is the ANTI-WILDERNESS Chick. So I am using her as a measure. She refers to Camping as "The C Word". Please don't judge us... We live in the most densely populated state in the country. (little geographical tidbit) We have streams, woods, mountains... all that great stuff that we drive by on our highways. HA HA HA HA
Here's the thing... Zane Grey, I know that the coffee pot over the fire pit is a time honored tradition, but I had hoped with the eletricity for the coffee pot came the electricity for the ice box, which is where (as you may know where I am going with this) I would store my vast inventory LIGHT CREAM. As girl has got to have her priorities.
How could I forget about the LIGHT CREAM?! You're funny.
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