Well.... The time has come.
I have to implement the Train the Dog to Not Jump Over The Fence.
As you know, this has been the only mar on a seemingly fantastic dog family experience. We have implemented a series of small garden fences and sticks which inhibit Rosie's abilities to jump the fence at the corners. However, Yesterday... she jumped the fence right smack dab in the middle of the gate. sigh.
Once again, she wasn't aggressive, she just wanted to play. She didn't run after any little kids, she jumped to get to the dog. Whom she tried to engage in some rough housing.. it was a tall dog, and she actually ran under the dog and pushed her up... it was a sight to see... a sight that the dog owner who was minding her own business walking her dog on the lease... didn't care to see. Although she very nicely stayed in one place while I got the car (Rosie can always be suckered into getting into the car.
This is 3 times over the fence in as many weeks. NOT TOO GOOD.
Enter the Pet Safe.
I'm going to spend some time with her today, using the Pet Safe Collar, try to use just the toner and avoid having to zap her. If that doesn't work... I'm going to have to bit the bullet and hire someone to help me train her.
On to other things.
Ultra Top Secret blog updated.
My darling middle daughter has a rash... looks like the one that my oldest got in Maine... Interestingly enough, both occurred after swimming and both are actually only in the areas covered by the bathing suit. My deductive reasoning leads me to the "sand". In Maine I notified that the "afflicted" child had a lot of sand in her suit. The day before yesterday I noticed that the "afflicted" child had a lot of sand in her suit. The rash almost exactly matches the area covered by the bathing suit.
Solution, I'll just make sure they take a shower when they get home and make sure we wash their suits inside out before putting them back on... right? Well, we shall see.
Today the rash is pretty bad, so we will be doing things OTHER THAN swimming.
Rosie, send me an email, I'll send you the UTS Blog link
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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