First... We are all safely back in New Jersey! Ahhhh the sound of the traffic in the distance... Home Sweet Home. Rosie was very happy to see us... and I was happy that I left the house somewhat cleaned up!
If you're interested in a sail boat, I'm selling my dad's sailboat on ebay. It's still in Maine, so you would have to either drive to Maine, or wait until the next trip someone makes down and they can bring it to NJ.
Check out the boat in my store:
There is only 4 days left! Better bid! HA HA HA HA HA HA
Now, we had a lovely lovely vacation. The kids swam every day, we didn't even get to the barn to see the horses, I couldn't get my kids out of the water. We did go to blueberry hill, but the deer flies were pretty bad, so we did't stay long. We went to the Maine State Aquarium where the kids got to pet a shark. We got to see some really cool things. It was a short vacation. Besides my daughter unexplained rash, and several large and itchy moschito bites, it was unmarred by tragedy... oh yeah, and we took the boat out to watch the fireworks! That was great.
My dad has a pontoon boat... so it was very comfortable, which was good because all three kids fell asleep on the way back to the dock.
So, now we are home. They slept well last night. They are ready to see their dad today. I'm ready for a little down time... (which may consist of visiting my friend M Colkins and hitting the best diner on the planet....Topp's Diner)
So... I was reading the latest breakingest news. There was a lot of depressing firework mishaps. That's a shame. However, I did run across this little tidbit that I found both amusing and filled with hope and dreams!
That's right people.... that's Iowa and Idaho! of course, if someone were to try that here... they would be arrested for obstructing the flight patterns of various commerical airlines... Well, maybe maybe not... Anyway, it was fun to read and interesting! Go Lawn Chair Balloon Guy!
I hope everyone had a nice safe fourth!
Have a great day and good upcoming week!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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